Originally Posted by saddlesore
I had a big scare the last few days. I'm really careful about letting these mules eat this spring grass,but darn if one didn't come up lame. Thought for sure it was founder, but the vet today said it was an abcess ,probably dueto a bruise on the sole or? and then all this mud we have.

So he is out of commison for several weeks and it is my only saddle mule

Did the Vet open the abcess to let it drain or is it only a bruied sole?

SUpplements may help, but the best thing I've found in muddy pens, is to get them where the feet can dry out. Turpentine or rubbing alcohol painted on the sole and allowed to dry will harden and toughen the sole too.

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.