I'm no Wal-Mart fan, but somebody better send these folks a link to the story on the Hostess closings.

Wal-Mart workers plan Black Friday walkout

Walkout builds on October strike that started at Wal-Mart in LA
Author: By Emily Jane Fox


A group of Wal-Mart workers are planning to stage a walkout next week on Black Friday, arguably the biggest holiday shopping day for the world's largest retail store.

The walkout builds on an October strike that started at a Wal-Mart in Los Angeles and spread to stores in 12 other cities. More than 100 workers joined in the October actions.

One of the workers who plans to join next week's walkout is William Fletcher, who works at a Wal-Mart in Duarte, Calif.

Fletcher, who also participated in the October strikes, claims Wal-Mart cut his hours after he asked to move from the receiving department to another division because of a knee injury. He has since switched departments.

"I kept asking myself, 'when is the retaliation for speaking our mind and acting on our rights going to stop?' " he said. Wal-Mart did not have an immediate comment in response to Fletcher's claim.

The union-backed groups OUR Walmart and Making Change at Wal-Mart, and a watchdog group Corporate Action Network, are calling on the nation's largest employer to end what they call retaliation against employees who speak out for better pay, fair schedules and affordable health care.

On Black Friday, the organizations expect 1,000 protests, both at stores and online.

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman said the number of workers who are raising concerns is very small and don't represent the views of the vast majority of its workforce of 1.3 million.

But labor experts say that even a small number of workers could make an impact.

"Even if there aren't that many people, it could have an effect, because their campaign in front of stores could discourage shoppers," said Ken Margolies, senior associate at the Worker Institute a Cornell University.

The strike could have an even greater impact if workers from its supply centers participate, according to Margolies. He said it could impede distribution of merchandise on what is usually the busiest day of the year.

Organizers have planned a social medial blitz, mobilizing workers through Facebook pages, a YouTube video, Twitter and Tumblr. They're also using online platforms to collect donations to sponsor striking workers. So far, the campaign has raised more than $22,200.

Wal-Mart workers have been battling with management over pay, benefits and their ability to speak up for years, experts say.

According to Anthony Bianco, author of Wal-Mart: The Bully of Bentonville, butchers at a Wal-Mart supercenter in Jacksonville, Texas, voted to form a union in 2000 -- the first time employees had done so. But soon after that, Wal-Mart eliminated butcher departments in its stores across the country, he said. It has been reported that Wal-Mart said it got rid of its meat department as a cost cutting measure.

A similar thing happened when workers at a Quebec store attempted to unionize in 2005, Bianco said. Wal-Mart closed that store a few months after that. The company said at the time that its decision was prompted by the union wanting to change how the store operated.

From Click Orlando
Would suck to work at Wal-Mart, would suck worse to get fired for not showing up for work at Wal-Mart.
Wal- Mart won't close, they will just hire different people.
Originally Posted by T LEE
Wal- Mart won't close, they will just hire different people.

True. And they'll do it in a heartbeat too.
With the ecnomy the way it is and un-employment being what it is I doubt Wal Mart will have a hell of a lot of trouble finding people who will work for them.
If they're willing to risk getting fired in this economy a month before Christmas, they must not need a job that bad.
100 workers divided by 12 stores doesn't sound like much of an impact.
I finally attained my goal to qualify for the Greeter position at Wal-Mart.... Now this. Damn it all.
I try to avoid Wal-Mart, but I may just change my mind when they fire those idiots.
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
If they're willing to risk getting fired in this economy a month before Christmas, they must not need a job that bad.

Yep, just ask the Bakers and other employees at Hostess how the Union Strike worked for them.....
Just when we thought we were through the ression and now the new Obama career jobs are at stake. crazy
SO, you do NOT think people should have the right to speak up for better conditions and pay without being fired for it ?? Where do you work and how much do you make a year ?? I hate walmart too but WALMART is the problem. If they would pay better they might get better help ?? The guy I work for has spent close to $70 MILLION dollars on building and new equipment and there is no end in sight to the erxpansion and spending but in 6 years the employees have received a whopping 35 cent raise and the guy GLARED at us and told us we were NOT worth it and then posted in the local paper that they couldn't find people that were trained in this business and wanted to work. We have been on 6 days a week every other week since last Feburary and there is no end in sight of that either. Now understand. When we were hired, this guy PROMISED a decent living wage. On a 40 hour week, a family of 4 qualifies for food stamps and are making what YOUR govt says is poverty level wages yet there is not a union to give us a means and power to be able to push this issue so we can have a better life this guy SAYS we are getting. ALSO UNDERSTAND in the summer we work 6 days a week in 100 to 125 degree heat. NOW I figure you are going to say well he is making more jobs and paying more taxes and my answer to that is He got a government grant... OUR TAXES... for a lot of this. Taking our money and giving it to him so he can be richer ?? and we are still on poverty level wages. BUT>>> If HE gets stressed out he can just run to the OZARKS and his $6 million "CABIN" !! I do not begrudge him making alot of money. He started this business from scratch. I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions. Going so far as to close a business I agree is wrong but is starving a family not a greater sin ??
On Black Friday, the organizations expect 1,000 protests, both at stores and online.

A Wal-Mart spokeswoman said the number of workers who are raising concerns is very small and don't represent the views of the vast majority of its workforce of 1.3 million.

But labor experts say that even a small number of workers could make an impact.

The reason even a small number of workers would make a difference is because of the disproportional negative publicity the MSM will give to Wal-Mart over this, nationwide.
I heard they were planning on getting better jobs with Hostess.
Originally Posted by ackley33806
SO, you do NOT think people should have the right to speak up for better conditions and pay without being fired for it ?? Where do you work and how much do you make a year ?? I hate walmart too but WALMART is the problem. If they would pay better they might get better help ?? The guy I work for has spent close to $70 MILLION dollars on building and new equipment and there is no end in sight to the erxpansion and spending but in 6 years the employees have received a whopping 35 cent raise and the guy GLARED at us and told us we were NOT worth it and then posted in the local paper that they couldn't find people that were trained in this business and wanted to work. We have been on 6 days a week every other week since last Feburary and there is no end in sight of that either. Now understand. When we were hired, this guy PROMISED a decent living wage. On a 40 hour week, a family of 4 qualifies for food stamps and are making what YOUR govt says is poverty level wages yet there is not a union to give us a means and power to be able to push this issue so we can have a better life this guy SAYS we are getting. ALSO UNDERSTAND in the summer we work 6 days a week in 100 to 125 degree heat. NOW I figure you are going to say well he is making more jobs and paying more taxes and my answer to that is He got a government grant... OUR TAXES... for a lot of this. Taking our money and giving it to him so he can be richer ?? and we are still on poverty level wages. BUT>>> If HE gets stressed out he can just run to the OZARKS and his $6 million "CABIN" !! I do not begrudge him making alot of money. He started this business from scratch. I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions. Going so far as to close a business I agree is wrong but is starving a family not a greater sin ??

People can SPEAK about whatever they want. If you don't show up for work you're damn right you should get fired.

If you have a problem with where you work and they won't do something that satisfies you - then quit and find a better job. I guarantee whoever quits/gets fired at Wal-Mart is quickly replaced by someone else who is glad to have the job.
This is mostly Wally Worlds in California, doesn't surprise me at all, are these people stupid, risk their job before Christmas, way to ensure your kids get something nice.
When one goes in to see the boss about more money he has two choices . . . quit if he doesn't get it, or turn around with his tail between his legs and keep working. If you are worth it, you'll get more money. If you can be replaced if you quit, you have no leverage. This is the way it should be with anyone who has a job. It is the employer's right to hire and fire who he will.
I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions.

Does someone have gun to your head telling you that you can't leave and get a better job? Better is to get the better job lined up first. miles
Maybe they figure to quit so they can go on welfare and be better off. Then maybe they'd be able to afford to get their kids something for under the tree. I'm not in favor of that plan at all but the hard truth is, welfare pays a helluva lot better than Wal-Mart.
Welfare should suck azz, the goobermint has made it desirable for folks to be on welfare, then their kids see this easy life and want to be on it when they grow up too. FUGGIN INFURIATES ME!
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
When one goes in to see the boss about more money he has two choices . . . quit if he doesn't get it, or turn around with his tail between his legs and keep working. If you are worth it, you'll get more money. If you can be replaced if you quit, you have no leverage. This is the way it should be with anyone who has a job. It is the employer's right to hire and fire who he will.

In a closed 'system' that may have some validity.

The fact that there's an illegal behind every bush waiting to take an American job for a schit wage completely skews that dynamic.
Welfare does suck ass but working for minimum wage sucks worse. At least welfare gives folks a roof over their head, food in their stomachs and clothes on their backs. A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.
The reality is if the only job skills one has is being able to show up on time every day and bitching and moaning about low pay, then you're not going to be well compensated.

If you want better pay, then you need to find a job that pays well, and gain the skills needed for that job. It's always been that way, and always will be that way. If you're in a job where you are considered overhead vs. an asset, then you'll always have the risk of being canned or replaced.

Our company has had a job opening for six months we have been unable to fill. We've had many applicants, but none with the skills and experience we seek. It's not due to poor pay or benefits, 6 figure salary, medical, 12 holidays a year, 3wks vacation et al.
The reality is, there are tons of folks with college degree's and years of experience in their fields working low wage, Wal-Mart type jobs today because it's all they can find.
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Welfare does suck ass but working for minimum wage sucks worse. At least welfare gives folks a roof over their head, food in their stomachs and clothes on their backs. A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.

Yer a whiny bitch! So you work 2 friggin jobs, get over it(been there done that, and their are a few her that still do!), and better yourself, how fuggin hard is it! Thats the problem, too many people want schit handed to them.
Originally Posted by 458 Lott
The reality is if the only job skills one has is being able to show up on time every day and bitching and moaning about low pay, then you're not going to be well compensated.

If you want better pay, then you need to find a job that pays well, and gain the skills needed for that job. It's always been that way, and always will be that way. If you're in a job where you are considered overhead vs. an asset, then you'll always have the risk of being canned or replaced.

Originally Posted by Blackheart
The reality is, there are tons of folks with college degree's and years of experience in their fields working low wage, Wal-Mart type jobs today because it's all they can find.

Then pepole should be thankful they have a job instead of staging a walkout.
Originally Posted by OrangeOkie
When one goes in to see the boss about more money he has two choices . . . quit if he doesn't get it, or turn around with his tail between his legs and keep working. If you are worth it, you'll get more money. If you can be replaced if you quit, you have no leverage. This is the way it should be with anyone who has a job. It is the employer's right to hire and fire who he will.

Originally Posted by Kamerad_Les
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Welfare does suck ass but working for minimum wage sucks worse. At least welfare gives folks a roof over their head, food in their stomachs and clothes on their backs. A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.

Yer a whiny bitch! So you work 2 friggin jobs, get over it(been there done that, and their are a few her that still do!), and better yourself, how fuggin hard is it! Thats the problem, too many people want schit handed to them.
Well, you're a straight up asswhole and I've thought so ever since I started reading your posts. The truth is, two full time minimum wage jobs still ain't going to keep anybody going for long today. Particularly if they have kids to support and have to drive to work.
Who the [bleep] told you someone to have kids if they can't afford it.

Be grateful for minimum wage as I'm sure you aren't worth it.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Who the [bleep] told you someone to have kids if they can't afford it.

Be grateful for minimum wage as I'm sure you aren't worth it.
I know lots of folks who had good jobs a few years ago but not today. There are going to be more and more of them the way things are going.
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Well, you're a straight up asswhole and I've thought so ever since I started reading your posts. The truth is, two full time minimum wage jobs still ain't going to keep anybody going for long today. Particularly if they have kids to support and have to drive to work.

Glad ya think I 'm an azzhole, makes me know for a fact I am doing my job against you liberal pricks! Nobody told them to have kids, most folks try to have a plan for that. I know we did, we just barely made it at first, but guess what, when you start making money at jobs other than fast food, you do better. As I said, a whiney bitch!
I'm not a liberal, just a realist.
Realist my ass, you want schit handed to folks for nothing, a ditch diggers getys a ditch diggers pay, a burger flipper gets a burger flippers pay, someone that makes machine parts naturally gets paid more, ya whiney bitch!
Originally Posted by Kamerad_Les
Realist my ass, you want schit handed to folks for nothing, a ditch diggers getys a ditch diggers pay, a burger flipper gets a burger flippers pay, someone that makes machine parts naturally gets paid more, ya whiney bitch!
Only if the machinist can find a job making parts you stupid asswhole !
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Who the [bleep] told you someone to have kids if they can't afford it.

Be grateful for minimum wage as I'm sure you aren't worth it.
I know lots of folks who had good jobs a few years ago but not today. There are going to be more and more of them the way things are going.

Not everyone that gets fired is the best worker in the world. Things change, folks need to change with them.

I know quite a few folks a few years ago that were alive. There are going to be more deaths.
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Kamerad_Les
Realist my ass, you want schit handed to folks for nothing, a ditch diggers getys a ditch diggers pay, a burger flipper gets a burger flippers pay, someone that makes machine parts naturally gets paid more, ya whiney bitch!
Only if the machinist can find a job making parts you stupid asswhole !

Most GOOD machinists I know have a job.
There's a reason the Chinese and Indians are swooping in and taking all the high paying jobs. American students are by and large too damn lazy and entitled to work hard and get degrees that will ACTUALLY enable them to obtain good jobs.

Our broken educational system tells kids from an early age that you have to go to college to get a good job. However, it doesn't emphasize and stress what you actually have to go to college for! Any old degree simply will not suffice!

So kids graduate in six years with a degree in Psych., English, Physical Ed., underwater basket weaving, etc., and turn around and say, "Hey, where's my good paying job!?"
Congratulations ? Just because things are OK in your little circle means they are like that everywhere and for everyone. yep.
My family is my responsibility, your family is your responsibility.
Originally Posted by FOsteology
There's a reason the Chinese and Indians are swooping in and taking all the high paying jobs. American students are by and large too damn lazy and entitled to work hard and get degrees that will ACTUALLY enable them to obtain good jobs.

Our broken educational system tells kids from an early age that you have to go to college to get a good job. However, it doesn't emphasize and stress what you actually have to go to college for! Any old degree simply will not suffice!

So kids graduate in six years with a degree in Psych., English, Physical Ed., underwater basket weaving, etc., and turn around and say, "Hey, where's my good paying job!?"

Not quite. Jobs are being shipped overseas because it means cheap labor and bigger salaries and bonuses and golden parachutes for CEOs.

The only additional costs to the company might be installing suicide nets to catch the slaves as they try to end their miserable lives in unbearable working conditions.

Pretty altruistic of the company and CEOs....huh?
Lots of jobs available in North Dakota that pay a very good wage, its an oil boom! All you have to do is pass a drug test. If you have a CDL, then congratulations... welcome to 6 figure a year salary driving oil to the transload facilities.

Choices are not always easy, sometimes the job isnt worth working at. Nobody is making them stay at WalMart. The hours, and the treatment of the employees is not anything that interest me.
Originally Posted by Boggy Creek Ranger
With the ecnomy the way it is and un-employment being what it is I doubt Wal Mart will have a hell of a lot of trouble finding people who will work for them.
Yep, it's a real buyers market for employers.
If ya think being a CEO is the way ta go, run right out and be one. Sheesh, that was easy. No law agin it.
Walmart jobs are part time, HS kids, college kids, second family, SS supplementing, second personal... they aren't living wage jobs. Unless you move up to management.

These same idiots think 12.00 an hour for unskilled labors is too low...

Think I'll strike my bagger job at the dollar store...

Originally Posted by Steelhead
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Who the [bleep] told you someone to have kids if they can't afford it.

Be grateful for minimum wage as I'm sure you aren't worth it.
I know lots of folks who had good jobs a few years ago but not today. There are going to be more and more of them the way things are going.

Not everyone that gets fired is the best worker in the world. Things change, folks need to change with them.

I know quite a few folks a few years ago that were alive. There are going to be more deaths.

I've been through many downturns in the 20 years I've been in the workforce. Accept for short sited incompetent managers that feel threatened by compentent employees, companies layoff those that are the least beneficial to their opperations.

I've heard it said 1/3 of the employees do most of the work, 1/3 are just kinda there, and 1/3 do more harm than good. Those percentages are likely a bit off, but I think anyone who is honest can look around where they work and find their co-workers fall into those catagories.

The real reason copmany layoffs hurt the companies is not from clearing out the deadwood. It's because their best and brightest see the writing on the wall, update their resumes, and are actively lining up a better gig.
I read complaints on here about working six days a week . . . expectations that 40 hours should suffice . . . I want to go home every night . . . I can't live on minimum wage (duh!) . . . "we" instead of "I" . . . etc.

The tip about the work in North Dakota will probably be ignored by every person on here who is complaining . . . because it requires work and hours they have never before considered or experienced. The work and money is there if you are willing to get up off the sofa and turn off Oprah and get after it. Read the timeless classic book . . . The Go-Getter!
I spent my weekend on a work trip, working 12 hour days in the arctic. I was thankful to have an additional 4 hours work on Friday, and 24 for the weekend. I don't make time and 1/2, but have never turned down extra work hours. Yeah, woulda been nice to have the weekend off and been home every nite, but you do what you need to do for your family.

I figure if work is going well I'm going to look forward to 10-15% hours on top of my 40, and will be spending several nights away from home.

If things dried up in the patch here and I had to go to N-Dak, Houston, or a foreign country, I'd be there.
Seems to me a job is a job is a job today. I guess one should be thankful to have a job.

I suppose these are people trying to figure out how to get an Obama handout.
Originally Posted by ackley33806
SO, you do NOT think people should have the right to speak up for better conditions and pay without being fired for it ?? Where do you work and how much do you make a year ?? I hate walmart too but WALMART is the problem. If they would pay better they might get better help ?? The guy I work for has spent close to $70 MILLION dollars on building and new equipment and there is no end in sight to the erxpansion and spending but in 6 years the employees have received a whopping 35 cent raise and the guy GLARED at us and told us we were NOT worth it and then posted in the local paper that they couldn't find people that were trained in this business and wanted to work. We have been on 6 days a week every other week since last Feburary and there is no end in sight of that either. Now understand. When we were hired, this guy PROMISED a decent living wage. On a 40 hour week, a family of 4 qualifies for food stamps and are making what YOUR govt says is poverty level wages yet there is not a union to give us a means and power to be able to push this issue so we can have a better life this guy SAYS we are getting. ALSO UNDERSTAND in the summer we work 6 days a week in 100 to 125 degree heat. NOW I figure you are going to say well he is making more jobs and paying more taxes and my answer to that is He got a government grant... OUR TAXES... for a lot of this. Taking our money and giving it to him so he can be richer ?? and we are still on poverty level wages. BUT>>> If HE gets stressed out he can just run to the OZARKS and his $6 million "CABIN" !! I do not begrudge him making alot of money. He started this business from scratch. I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions. Going so far as to close a business I agree is wrong but is starving a family not a greater sin ??

What country are you from? You don't speak like an American.

BTW: Sam Walton is dead.

The corporation has made it's decisions. If you don't like them go work for somebody else or better yet go start your own retail operation and you to, if your successful, can make billions.
Originally Posted by AcesNeights

Pretty altruistic of the company and CEOs....huh?

why is it that every time a union person speaks on this board it is to say that somebody else should be looking out for them?

why would you think that, and why would you WANT that? what ever happened to making your own way? have we really devolved to the point that union workers and welfare recipients both have the same core beliefs?

"it is the responsibility of a CEO to look out for my monetary well-being, simply because i think he should."

isn't that what your altruistic CEO statement means?

ALTRUISTIC: the principle or practice of concern for the welfare of others. It is a traditional virtue in many cultures, and a core aspect of various religious traditions, though the concept of 'others' toward whom concern should be directed can vary among cultures and religions. Altruism is the opposite of selfishness.

Altruism can be distinguished from feelings of duty and loyalty. Altruism is a motivation to provide something of value to a party who must be anyone but oneself, while duty focuses on a moral obligation towards a specific individual (e.g., a god, a king), or collective (e.g., a government). Pure altruism consists of sacrificing something for someone other than the self (e.g. sacrificing time, energy or possessions) with no expectation of any compensation or benefits, either direct, or indirect (e.g., receiving recognition for the act of giving).
Originally Posted by FOsteology
There's a reason the Chinese and Indians are swooping in and taking all the high paying jobs. American students are by and large too damn lazy and entitled to work hard and get degrees that will ACTUALLY enable them to obtain good jobs.

Our broken educational system tells kids from an early age that you have to go to college to get a good job. However, it doesn't emphasize and stress what you actually have to go to college for! Any old degree simply will not suffice!

So kids graduate in six years with a degree in Psych., English, Physical Ed., underwater basket weaving, etc., and turn around and say, "Hey, where's my good paying job!?"

Well I don't know about a degree in underwater basket weaving, grin but good jobs can be had Psych and English in Fortune 500 companies.
Originally Posted by Kamerad_Les
Welfare should suck azz, the goobermint has made it desirable for folks to be on welfare, then their kids see this easy life and want to be on it when they grow up too. FUGGIN INFURIATES ME!

I agree with you on all statements in this post except one...... Those kinds of people never grow up!
Originally Posted by ackley33806
I do not begrudge him making alot of money. He started this business from scratch. I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions. Going so far as to close a business I agree is wrong but is starving a family not a greater sin ??

see, here's where we all get off track.

OF COURSE being greedy when you already have millions of dollars is wrong. and yes "he" should not do that.

but who the crap are we to decide that collectively? pack your crap up and go find another job. but two wrongs don't make a right, and planning and scheming to walk out on the busiest day of the year should get you summarily fired.
I know what altruistic means you stupid hick. But I'm glad I could add to your limited vocabulary.

I'm not union never have been, in fact I own and run a very successful business that I started from scratch without one dime financed. So take your accusations and shove'em up your dumbas.s.
Originally Posted by ackley33806
SO, you do NOT think people should have the right to speak up for better conditions and pay without being fired for it ?? Where do you work and how much do you make a year ?? I hate walmart too but WALMART is the problem. If they would pay better they might get better help ?? The guy I work for has spent close to $70 MILLION dollars on building and new equipment and there is no end in sight to the erxpansion and spending but in 6 years the employees have received a whopping 35 cent raise and the guy GLARED at us and told us we were NOT worth it and then posted in the local paper that they couldn't find people that were trained in this business and wanted to work. We have been on 6 days a week every other week since last Feburary and there is no end in sight of that either. Now understand. When we were hired, this guy PROMISED a decent living wage. On a 40 hour week, a family of 4 qualifies for food stamps and are making what YOUR govt says is poverty level wages yet there is not a union to give us a means and power to be able to push this issue so we can have a better life this guy SAYS we are getting. ALSO UNDERSTAND in the summer we work 6 days a week in 100 to 125 degree heat. NOW I figure you are going to say well he is making more jobs and paying more taxes and my answer to that is He got a government grant... OUR TAXES... for a lot of this. Taking our money and giving it to him so he can be richer ?? and we are still on poverty level wages. BUT>>> If HE gets stressed out he can just run to the OZARKS and his $6 million "CABIN" !! I do not begrudge him making alot of money. He started this business from scratch. I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions. Going so far as to close a business I agree is wrong but is starving a family not a greater sin ??

I'm thinking if you had anything going for you wouldn't be working at a Wally World. The local store here looks like little Mogadishu both customers and the clerks.
I'd have to be purdy damn hungry to work at Walmart on blackfriday.

Stupid azz day anyway.

Always pleased to see stories of idiots trampled at 4AM.
I'm thinking if you had anything going for you wouldn't be working at a Wally World. The local store here looks like little Mogadishu both customers and the clerks.

Sounds like you live in Selma, AL because that sounds exactly like the Wal-Mart there.
Well, you're a straight up asswhole and I've thought so ever since I started reading your posts.

There is an asswhole involved in this conversation and it ain't Les, or me for that matter. miles
Originally Posted by milespatton
There is an asswhole involved in this conversation and it ain't Les, or me for that matter. miles
Actually, you're wrong there but only partially. You're a stupid asswhole.
Blackfart, you just don't know how to quit when your behind! Get a clue and quit wasting oxygen.
Goobergunner, I don't recall asking for your opinion and can ussure you I never will.
I admit to have had jobs, that were based on a base salary plus commission.. however as time marches on, corporate culture and "maximizing profits" has lead to the company screwing the employees....

I worked for a company, that I was ripped off for 5 years... the lowest amount was 15K during a year.. the worst was the last year... and that was 35K....

being divorced I was under court order that I could not quit a job...however as soon as my daughter turned 18 and the court ordered lifted, I bailed out....

my attitude is if you are not happy at a job, go get another one...sad thing is, that corporate America doesn't take care of their employees anymore... we can thank the attitudes from the early 80s for that one...
Our broken educational system tells kids from an early age that you have to go to college to get a good job. However, it doesn't emphasize and stress what you actually have to go to college for! Any old degree simply will not suffice!

Nor do they inform them that they'll actually have to work. A far worse problem we're facing is that most young people today are lazy, shiftless little bastards that never did an honest day's work in their lives. With the public indoctrination system passing them through, they don't have to put effort into projects, work toward goals nor compete with those around them to better themselves.

Political donations:
WalMart/Sam's Club donated $467K, 97% went to Republicans
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Goobergunner, I don't recall asking for your opinion and can ussure you I never will.
Boy, am I relieved to hear THAT!
being divorced I was under court order that I could not quit a job..

I was un-aware that the courts could order slavery. cry miles
Originally Posted by ackley33806
SO, you do NOT think people should have the right to speak up for better conditions and pay without being fired for it ?? Where do you work and how much do you make a year ?? I hate walmart too but WALMART is the problem. If they would pay better they might get better help ?? The guy I work for has spent close to $70 MILLION dollars on building and new equipment and there is no end in sight to the erxpansion and spending but in 6 years the employees have received a whopping 35 cent raise and the guy GLARED at us and told us we were NOT worth it and then posted in the local paper that they couldn't find people that were trained in this business and wanted to work. We have been on 6 days a week every other week since last Feburary and there is no end in sight of that either. Now understand. When we were hired, this guy PROMISED a decent living wage. On a 40 hour week, a family of 4 qualifies for food stamps and are making what YOUR govt says is poverty level wages yet there is not a union to give us a means and power to be able to push this issue so we can have a better life this guy SAYS we are getting. ALSO UNDERSTAND in the summer we work 6 days a week in 100 to 125 degree heat. NOW I figure you are going to say well he is making more jobs and paying more taxes and my answer to that is He got a government grant... OUR TAXES... for a lot of this. Taking our money and giving it to him so he can be richer ?? and we are still on poverty level wages. BUT>>> If HE gets stressed out he can just run to the OZARKS and his $6 million "CABIN" !! I do not begrudge him making alot of money. He started this business from scratch. I DO begrudge him starving us so he can have more millions. Going so far as to close a business I agree is wrong but is starving a family not a greater sin ??

If you give him an honest days work, you will get an honest days Pay..When I was working I saw dozens of people like you, you get a job and then try to change things to your liking. and then fugg off instead of working shut the huck up lazy azz.
I don't really understand why anyone begrudges a person who tries to better their position thru better wages/benefits. Why does anyone really care or feel the need to stick their nose in someone else's business?

Whole lot of people just can't help but worry about what their neighbor is doing.
Originally Posted by rrroae
I don't really understand why anyone begrudges a person who tries to better their position thru better wages/benefits. Why does anyone really care or feel the need to stick their nose in someone else's business?

Whole lot of people just can't help but worry about what their neighbor is doing.

The same reason you are sticking your nose in other peoples business..

Is it any of my damn business if you went into your boss's office and asked for a raise? Or if you gave him an ultimatum?

It's a post on a message board. It would be a dead message board if everybody minded their own business.
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I know what altruistic means you stupid hick. But I'm glad I could add to your limited vocabulary.

I'm not union never have been, in fact I own and run a very successful business that I started from scratch without one dime financed. So take your accusations and shove'em up your dumbas.s.

So in other words you'd prefer not to talk about how stupid your point is, and would prefer to try to change the subject?

Good move on your part!

"have we really devolved to the point that union workers and welfare recipients both have the same core beliefs?"

- From what I hear from my only union member friend, this seems to be exactly the case.

On the divorce decree, in my last divorce, I was prohibited from leaving my job for a lower paying one I thought I'd like better - "voluntary reduction of income" - and theoretically had to get the court's approval for any purchases over a certain dollar amount - which was not real high - among other humbling restrictions.
seems to me Wal-mart hires 4 types of people
1.) the student needs a job with night/weekend hours
2.) the retired guy who wants a job for entertainment
3.) the over qualified individual who can't find any other work
4.) and the majority of wal-mart employees are those who are too stupid to work anywhere else, and can't fill out the paper work for welfare
Originally Posted by Blackheart
A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.

Yes it does. You will not die of exposure or die of starvation/dehydration if you work for minimum wage. In fact, someone who is frugal can live a decent life on minimum wage.

It doesn't give you enough for a Iphone 4, which minimum wage employees seem to think they are entitled to.
Originally Posted by WyoCowboy
seems to me Wal-mart hires 4 types of people
1.) the student needs a job with night/weekend hours
2.) the retired guy who wants a job for entertainment
3.) the over qualified individual who can't find any other work
4.) and the majority of wal-mart employees are those who are too stupid to work anywhere else, and can't fill out the paper work for welfare

Not where I'm from. The walmart employees are smart, capable, and not white. Mostly Filipino women who are working their asses off with a smile on their face. The walmart is spotless, lines are short, and customer service is great.
Originally Posted by Texas99

"have we really devolved to the point that union workers and welfare recipients both have the same core beliefs?"

- From what I hear from my only union member friend, this seems to be exactly the case.

On the divorce decree, in my last divorce, I was prohibited from leaving my job for a lower paying one I thought I'd like better - "voluntary reduction of income" - and theoretically had to get the court's approval for any purchases over a certain dollar amount - which was not real high - among other humbling restrictions.

If you wanted to leave you could of kicked your boss in the nuts and he would of made sure you could look for a new job. grin
Originally Posted by WyoCowboy
seems to me Wal-mart hires 4 types of people
1.) the student needs a job with night/weekend hours
2.) the retired guy who wants a job for entertainment
3.) the over qualified individual who can't find any other work
4.) and the majority of wal-mart employees are those who are too stupid to work anywhere else, and can't fill out the paper work for welfare

I was in Walmart yesterday in Havre. There was an employee working the checkout register who was too [bleep] stupid to count. Literally. The guy in front of me was a Canuck and paid for his stuff with cash. Simple, 300 some dollars. Canuck counts it out as he peels it off his roll, and hands the kid correct change. The employee spent over 5 [bleep] minutes trying to count to 300 by 20's. When that brain teaser was over he asked the Canuck if there was work in Canada, reason being all the Canadians that come through Walmart drop tons of money.

Contrast that with the dumbazz chick in front of me at the gas station earlier. Trying to buy some drinks and whatnot with an EBT card. Tried and tried and tried to get the computer to take it, and it wouldn't work. The employee then sees it's an EBT card, not a debit card as the customer had stated. Proceeds to process the sale efficiently and with some sharp words. The dumbazzes in both stories have something in common, but I'll leave that to your imaginations.

There's plenty of good folks working these types of jobs, they're just not as memorable as the retards. grin
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by Blackheart
A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.

Yes it does. You will not die of exposure or die of starvation/dehydration if you work for minimum wage. In fact, someone who is frugal can live a decent life on minimum wage.

It doesn't give you enough for a Iphone 4, which minimum wage employees seem to think they are entitled to.

Completely agree Calvin. There's probably a couple billion people across the globe who would be thrilled to live in what we classify as poverty.

Still, I'll never begrudge anyone who tries to get ahead nor judge them unless I walk in their shoes. If someone wants to go on strike and risk their job for more money, that's their choice to make and I'll keep my nose out of it.
If someone wants to go on strike and risk their job for more money, that's their choice to make and I'll keep my nose out of it.

So you say, and yet you are not. confused miles
Originally Posted by AcesNeights

Not quite. Jobs are being shipped overseas because it means cheap labor and bigger salaries and bonuses and golden parachutes for CEOs.

The only additional costs to the company might be installing suicide nets to catch the slaves as they try to end their miserable lives in unbearable working conditions.

Pretty altruistic of the company and CEOs....huh?

I thought jobs were being shipped overseas because American consumers all want cheaper prices. And all the shareholders are clamoring for a good return on their investment, which means the company has to cut costs. If the CEO does that, isn't he doing EXACTLY what his owners are asking him to do?

Seems to me that America should take pride in, and make profits from, manufacturing, and not just making money off money in the stock market.
Originally Posted by rrroae
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by Blackheart
A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.

Yes it does. You will not die of exposure or die of starvation/dehydration if you work for minimum wage. In fact, someone who is frugal can live a decent life on minimum wage.

It doesn't give you enough for a Iphone 4, which minimum wage employees seem to think they are entitled to.

Completely agree Calvin. There's probably a couple billion people across the globe who would be thrilled to live in what we classify as poverty.

Still, I'll never begrudge anyone who tries to get ahead nor judge them unless I walk in their shoes. If someone wants to go on strike and risk their job for more money, that's their choice to make and I'll keep my nose out of it.

Just to prove a point to the wife the other night, I sat down with a calculator and proved that we could eat just fine with adequate calorie intake on $1 a day each, or $1.50 a day for the pair of us. And that didn't even include the mountains of salmon/halibut/venison that I harvest annually.

That's one thing I don't understand about those Doomsday Preppers. It seems like a bunch of fatties stockpiling food in order to make sure they never miss a meal.. Wouldn't they be better prepared to learn to live on 1k calories a day, or even learn to live going 10-20 days without a meal, without a giant mind [bleep]?
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by Blackheart
A minimum wage job won't even come close to paying for the bare neccesities today.

Yes it does. You will not die of exposure or die of starvation/dehydration if you work for minimum wage. In fact, someone who is frugal can live a decent life on minimum wage.

It doesn't give you enough for a Iphone 4, which minimum wage employees seem to think they are entitled to.
What [bleep]' fantasy land do you live in ? A full time minimum wage job will leave you with roughly 1,000.00 per month after taxes. Rent for a dumpy 1 bedroom apartment will run you 450-550.00 per month no utilities included. Add on 80.00 per month for electric, 300.00 per month heat {conservative as hell} and you've got 120.00 per month left to keep wheels under you and buy food. No phone, no garbage removal, no tv and god forbid you get sick and need some medical attention. Good luck living on minimum wage moron. Ain't gonna happen no matter how smart or how frugal you think you are.
It's EASY to live on 1k a month, and many many do. They must be smarter than you.. Congratulations, you are dumber than a minimum wage employee.

The people who get in trouble, are people who make a certain wage, and then live HIGHER than that wage allows. (like most liberals) They think they are entitled to a lifestyle they have not worked for, or earned.

Should a minimum wage salaried person want to live higher than a minimum wage job allows... then they need to get a new job. That's what I did.

Originally Posted by Calvin
It's EASY to live on 1k a month, and many many do. They must be smarter than you.. Congratulations, you are dumber than a minimum wage employee.

The people who get in trouble, are people who make a certain wage, and then live HIGHER than that wage allows. (like most liberals) They think they are entitled to a lifestyle they have not worked for, or earned.

Should a minimum wage salaried person want to live higher than a minimum wage job allows... then they need to get a new job. That's what I did.

I lived on a minumum wage job for 9 months when I was younger but I slept in a camper on my buddies hunting land, cooked rabbits, squirrels, woodchucks, sunfish, bullheads, frog legs and dandelion greens over an open fire for every meal, bathed in a [bleep]' creek and schit over a goddam log in the woods every day. You claim you can live in a heated apartment {what a [bleep]' joke}, drive to work {neccesary for folks in rural areas}, eat store bought food and have an I phone besides and your a goddam LIAR ! Just try keeping a beater car on the road today for less than 5,000.00 per year {insurance, gas, repairs, maintenance} and let me know how that works out for you moron. That's damn near HALF of your minimum wage job right there !
Typical "I can't do it, therefore no one can!" mentality that runs rampant these days..

Funny how thousands of immigrants can do just fine on mimimum wage, and actually SAVE money for a better life.. But our very own Blackheart has to live in a van down by the river eating dandelion's on 1k a month.

Congratulations, you just confirmed you are a bigger fool than I originally thought you were.
haha this is funny and I can't let this go.


Why don't you break down your 1k monthly budget you spent while living in a van down by the river. This will be hilarious..

Originally Posted by Calvin
Typical "I can't do it, therefore no one can!" mentality that runs rampant these days..

Funny how thousands of immigrants can do just fine on mimimum wage, and actually SAVE money for a better life.. But our very own Blackheart has to live in a van down by the river eating dandelion's on 1k a month.

Congratulations, you just confirmed you are a bigger fool than I originally thought you were.
Yeah, I've seen your "immigrants" first hand you worthless, lieing SOB ! They don't mind living 10 deep in a run down, roach infested, one bedroom apartment and eating rice/beans for every goddam meal. That you would advocate same for your fellow countrymen is telling indeed you worthless, lieing POS !
Originally Posted by Calvin
haha this is funny and I can't let this go.


Why don't you break down your 1k monthly budget you spent while living in a van down by the river. This will be hilarious..

Why don't you "break it down" for me how you're going to live on minimum wage for me asswhole. Don't forget to include reasonable rent/utilities/transportation/food/ insurance/ garbage removal you goddam CLUELESS liein' SOB.
Originally Posted by Blackheart
I know lots of folks who had good jobs a few years ago but not today. There are going to be more and more of them the way things are going.
Well that's O bams fault!!!!!!! As you said they had good jobs under Bush!!!!
Originally Posted by wyote
Originally Posted by Blackheart
I know lots of folks who had good jobs a few years ago but not today. There are going to be more and more of them the way things are going.
Well that's O bams fault!!!!!!! As you said they had good jobs under Bush!!!!
Goddam you're a dumb Kocksucker ! I'm no Obam supporter. Never have been, never will be.
I'd be interested in the $1 per day menu breakdown...
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Calvin
haha this is funny and I can't let this go.


Why don't you break down your 1k monthly budget you spent while living in a van down by the river. This will be hilarious..

Why don't you "break it down" for me how you're going to live on minimum wage for me asswhole. Don't forget to include reasonable rent/utilities/transportation/food/ insurance/ garbage removal you goddam CLUELESS liein' SOB.

Didn't think you would/could! hahahaha

Come on... break it down for us. Lets hear about that Van down by the river, and how that's the best you could do on 1k a month!
Followup story:

Wal-Mart files U.S. labor charge against union

Wal-Mart Stores Inc is taking its first legal step to stop months of protests and rallies outside Walmart stores, targeting the union that it says is behind such actions.

Wal-Mart filed an unfair labor practice charge against the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, or UFCW, asking the National Labor Relations Board to halt what the retailer says are unlawful attempts to disrupt its business.

The move comes just a week before what is expected to be the largest organized action against the world's largest retailer, as a small group of Walmart workers prepare to strike on Black Friday, typically the busiest shopping day of the year.

"We are taking this action now because we cannot allow the UFCW to continue to intentionally seek to create an environment that could directly and adversely impact our customers and associates," Wal-Mart spokesman David Tovar said on Friday. "If they do, they will be held accountable."

The union is undeterred. "Walmart is grasping at straws," said UFCW Communications Director Jill Cashen. "There's nothing in the law that gives an employer the right to silence workers and citizens."

Protests and rallies outside Walmart stores around the country and other actions such as flash mobs have been orchestrated by groups including OUR Walmart, a coalition of thousands of Walmart workers that wants to collectively push for better wages, benefits and working conditions.

OUR Walmart and another group, Making Change at Walmart, are affiliated with the UFCW. The union represents more than 1 million workers, including many at retailers that compete with Walmart. According to a filing with the Labor Department, OUR Walmart was a subsidiary of the UFCW as of 2011. It is unclear whether it remains a subsidiary or has legally separated from the union.

"Wal-Mart is in effect firing a shot across the bow of the UFCW, essentially saying 'Look, you can expect this and more unless you desist,'" said Harley Shaiken, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, who specializes in labor issues.

Filing with the NLRB suggests that the protests have caught the attention of Wal-Mart, which has no union-represented workers in the United States.

"The fact that Wal-Mart is responding in such a public way is itself both unusual and indicative that they truly don't want to see this spread," Shaiken said.

The NLRB typically receives a charge and investigates. At times, it resolves issues without issuing a complaint, spokesman Tony Wagner said. While most of its investigations take about six weeks, they can be expedited under certain criteria, he said.

Numerous activities over the past year or longer "have caused disruptions to Walmart's business, resulted in misinformation being shared publicly about our company, and created an uncomfortable environment and undue stress on Walmart's customers, including families with children," Walmart outside counsel Steven Wheeless said in a letter sent on Friday to Deborah Gaydos, assistant general counsel of the UFCW.


The National Labor Relations Act prohibits such picketing for more than 30 days without the filing of a representation petition. The NLRA also requires the NLRB to seek a federal court injunction against such activity, the letter states.

The OUR Walmart group of current and former Walmart employees has been organizing 1,000 protests including strikes and what it called online actions that began this week and will culminate on Black Friday

Strikes and protests have been planned across the country. For example, workers walked off the job in Seattle on Thursday and in Dallas on Friday, OUR Walmart said.

Bentonville, Arkansas-based Wal-Mart said that anyone who is not an employee is prohibited from coming onto its owned or controlled parking lots or other facilities to solicit, hand out literature or otherwise engage in any demonstration.

Wal-Mart said that it intends for the UFCW to be held accountable for any injury or property damage that may occur as a result of the actions led by the UFCW, OUR Walmart or any of its other affiliates.

"We are prepared to and will take all appropriate legal actions to enforce our property rights, protect our business, and ensure the safety of our customers and associates, on Black Friday and in the future," the letter states.

OUR Walmart has said that it has thousands of members across most U.S. states, but has not given an exact number of members. Walmart store workers pay $5 monthly dues to join OUR Walmart.

Wal-Mart has 1.4 million U.S. workers.

Wal-Mart filed its charge against the UFCW late on Thursday with the NLRB regional office in Little Rock, Arkansas. The case number is 26-CB-093342.

For copies of Wal-Mart's letter to the UFCW and the NLRB charge document click http://bit.ly/Qj5c0t and http://bit.ly/RZoNkD

(Reporting by Jessica Wohl in Chicago; Editing by Tim Dobbyn and Leslie Gevirtz)

From FOX News
Originally Posted by Calvin
It's EASY to live on 1k a month, and many many do. They must be smarter than you.. Congratulations, you are dumber than a minimum wage employee.

The people who get in trouble, are people who make a certain wage, and then live HIGHER than that wage allows. (like most liberals) They think they are entitled to a lifestyle they have not worked for, or earned.

Should a minimum wage salaried person want to live higher than a minimum wage job allows... then they need to get a new job. That's what I did.

"EASY"...you're an idiot. Unless you steal or sell drugs on the side, you'll never get by on $1,000.00/month wages here. Your rent and utilities will exceed that.

Walmart is often the only job available in smaller communities, where they have run off all the local competition. My wife, who has decent skills, was a Walmart employee for nearly a year. They ground her up and paid squat. They work someone hours and days like they chose her schedule by throwing darts at a calender. They worked her insufficient hours to qualify for holiday pay, vacations, or medical insurance, as they did most other employees.

The thing is...they are like all other big box stores...Cabela's, Sportsman's Warehouse, K-Mart...all of them.
Never fear for the dregs of Wallyworld. After they get fired from WM, they can come to work at the warehouse where I'm at. We hire anyone who can pass the drug test (if you're not floating above the floor, or passed out comatose, you're hired).
Tattoos everywhere, piercings all over, tie-died hair, no problem. Can't get a job anywhere else out in the public eye, no sweat. We'll hire ya.

We may not keep you long, but you can work here.
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Calvin
Typical "I can't do it, therefore no one can!" mentality that runs rampant these days..

Funny how thousands of immigrants can do just fine on mimimum wage, and actually SAVE money for a better life.. But our very own Blackheart has to live in a van down by the river eating dandelion's on 1k a month.

Congratulations, you just confirmed you are a bigger fool than I originally thought you were.
Yeah, I've seen your "immigrants" first hand you worthless, lieing SOB ! They don't mind living 10 deep in a run down, roach infested, one bedroom apartment and eating rice/beans for every goddam meal. That you would advocate same for your fellow countrymen is telling indeed you worthless, lieing POS !

Minimum wage requires minimum expenses.

I know plenty of folks.. (wait for it) with roommates. (might be too complex for you) They either rent a room for $300-400 a month, which includes utilities, or go 3 ways into an apartment and all utilities are split 3 ways.

They use public transportation. They live near where they work. They walk, etc. They use public libraries for internet and other FREE things.

You can eat very well on 2-3 dollars a day if you cook and buy in bulk.

And they SAVE money on a 1k a month salary.
Originally Posted by luv2safari

"EASY"...you're an idiot. Unless you steal or sell drugs on the side, you'll never get by on $1,000.00/month wages here. Your rent and utilities will exceed that.

With your mindset.. nope you can't make it. I'm going to guess you can barely make it on what you make now. Don't I recall you posting some financial doom/gloom threads a few years ago?

You're not exactly qualified to be talking about this..
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
I'd be interested in the $1 per day menu breakdown...

Few eggs in the morning, bulk couscous, rice, greens, sale items, etc. Not that hard if you actually look at what things actually cost.

Actually, google it.. lots of sites/blogs on it.
I don't care where one lives but $1 per day ain't easy. Not saying that it can't be done but rice and couscous is pretty nutrient void. Veggies, even on sale, would break that $1 per day budget on day 1.

A full stomach vs. a balanced diet are 2 different critters. Hell a can of beans is more than a dollar and that would be one meal. Budget is already blown after that can, not to mention the fuel used to heat it.

Are you cooking that rice and couscous or eating it dry? If cooking it are you using electric or gas?
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Yeah, I've seen your "immigrants" first hand you worthless, lieing SOB ! They don't mind living 10 deep in a run down, roach infested, one bedroom apartment and eating rice/beans for every goddam meal. That you would advocate same for your fellow countrymen is telling indeed you worthless, lieing POS !

That is precisely how they do it. While serving arrest warrants I often had illegal Hispanics that I had to find and arrest. Each literally lived on a 6'x6' piece of the floor in a residence that had no electricity, water or phone...not even a land-line phone. How they bathed, schit/pissed or ate wasn't my concern. There were often 15~20 of them in a 2 bedroom shotgun shack in the poor side of town. That's a way to survive on less than minimum wage.
Nutrition.. this is about survival during tough times, not eating a balanced diet.

You ain't going to starve to death as some would make you think on $1 a day. If you were broke, and took no public assistance, you could survive on $1 a day for food. Probably less. Bump it up to $1.50 and $2 a day after a period on $1, and you'd think you were eating like a king.

But, folks these days would rather go on food stamps, than eat chit for a period of time while they got back on their feet.
Have the wife eat one hard boiled egg and a boil of couscous everyday for a year and get back to me.....
Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Yeah, I've seen your "immigrants" first hand you worthless, lieing SOB ! They don't mind living 10 deep in a run down, roach infested, one bedroom apartment and eating rice/beans for every goddam meal. That you would advocate same for your fellow countrymen is telling indeed you worthless, lieing POS !

That is precisely how they do it. While serving arrest warrants I often had illegal Hispanics that I had to find and arrest. Each literally lived on a 6'x6' piece of the floor in a residence that had no electricity, water or phone...not even a land-line phone. How they bathed, schit/pissed or ate wasn't my concern. There were often 15~20 of them in a 2 bedroom shotgun shack in the poor side of town. That's a way to survive on less than minimum wage.

OH BS. That's a whole nother class of folks. BTW, all those 15-20 of them were working full time at 1k a month, they'd be able to afford one hell of a pad.. (grin)

That's all Blackheart has though.. and the typical liberal argument. Rather than admit that folks making minimum wage have more money than him, he'll take it to the extreme.
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Have the wife eat one hard boiled egg and a boil of couscous everyday for a year and get back to me.....

again, the point is fly waaaaay over your head.

Not an ideal situation or a situation anybody would willingly want, but if a guy had to, he could...
Agreed, a guy could, but I said have the wife eat that for a year and get back to me. If she has ANY looks and is in Alaska, she won't be shacking up long with a guy feeding her couscous 3 times a day.
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by Steelhead
Have the wife eat one hard boiled egg and a boil of couscous everyday for a year and get back to me.....

again, the point is fly waaaaay over your head.

Not an ideal situation or a situation anybody would willingly want, but if a guy had to, he could...

OK...just lay it out. It can't be very complex for $1 a day. How can you survive on that? I'm honestly curious.
Chick sitting on a million bucks, ain't gonna eat on no dalla a day
Originally Posted by Calvin
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Calvin
Typical "I can't do it, therefore no one can!" mentality that runs rampant these days..

Funny how thousands of immigrants can do just fine on mimimum wage, and actually SAVE money for a better life.. But our very own Blackheart has to live in a van down by the river eating dandelion's on 1k a month.

Congratulations, you just confirmed you are a bigger fool than I originally thought you were.
Yeah, I've seen your "immigrants" first hand you worthless, lieing SOB ! They don't mind living 10 deep in a run down, roach infested, one bedroom apartment and eating rice/beans for every goddam meal. That you would advocate same for your fellow countrymen is telling indeed you worthless, lieing POS !

Minimum wage requires minimum expenses.

I know plenty of folks.. (wait for it) with roommates. (might be too complex for you) They either rent a room for $300-400 a month, which includes utilities, or go 3 ways into an apartment and all utilities are split 3 ways.

They use public transportation. They live near where they work. They walk, etc. They use public libraries for internet and other FREE things.

You can eat very well on 2-3 dollars a day if you cook and buy in bulk.

And they SAVE money on a 1k a month salary.
You're nothing but a "pie in the sky" dreamer and a goddam liar besides. Look douchebag, you ain't gotta prayer of beating me in this argument because I ACTUALLY KNOW WTF I'm talking about and YOU AIN'T GOTTA [bleep]' CLUE. You ain't gonna rent no goddam room in 2012 for 3-400 a month, utilities included {not here anyway} and that's a goddam FACT ! There also ain't no GODDAM PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION out here in rural America asswhole !
Originally Posted by Calvin
Nutrition.. this is about survival during tough times, not eating a balanced diet.

You ain't going to starve to death as some would make you think on $1 a day. If you were broke, and took no public assistance, you could survive on $1 a day for food. Probably less. Bump it up to $1.50 and $2 a day after a period on $1, and you'd think you were eating like a king.

But, folks these days would rather go on food stamps, than eat chit for a period of time while they got back on their feet.

Nope...it's about making a LIVING...a decent living. But hell, what do you care about others? Not much.

I'm done with you. You're as thick as they come.
You ain't gonna rent no goddam room in 2012 for 3-400 a month

Really nitwit? College kids pay similar rents as a rule,not the exception. Where you live,the monthly payment on a single wide isn't much more than 400.
Originally Posted by RISJR
You ain't gonna rent no goddam room in 2012 for 3-400 a month

Really nitwit? College kids pay similar rents as a rule,not the exception. Where you live,the monthly payment on a single wide isn't much more than 400.
Listen schit fer brains, a good friend of mine JUST RENTED a small one bedroom apartment in an upsate NY college town for 800.00 per month NO UTILITIES INCLUDED. College towns are NOTORIOUS for charging exorbitant rent. What a pathetic, stupid, out of touch loser you are !
You have the brains of a loaf of bread,nitwit. Your good friend defines the rental market,huh? You're going to talk to me about college towns,huh? That's a good one. You can talk about your gerbil farming buddy while I talk about 4 kids who've been through college...you know,the real been there done that kind of gig.

Aren't you the dipschit who said if your under 18 year old son simply wanted to borrow your car, your response was to tell him to go buy his own car and you wouldn't let him borrow it,right?

You couldn't manage a drive-thru order,cupcake. Your Internet tough guy routine must make your upstate NY bff let you be the husband on Saturday nights.
Originally Posted by RISJR
You ain't gonna rent no goddam room in 2012 for 3-400 a month

Really nitwit? College kids pay similar rents as a rule,not the exception. Where you live,the monthly payment on a single wide isn't much more than 400.

Not around here they don't. We've put one kid through SIU where he earned a mechanical engineering degree. He, and his wife and my grandson laugh have moved back in with us while he attends grad school. He has a 50% assistantship which nets him 1100.00 a month, medicaide and WIC (Women, Infants & Children). The rent around this college town starts at 600.00 a month for a modest 2-bedroom. The college students make it by living 4 to an apartment, plus healthy stipends from good ol' mom & dad and/or a scholarship and student loans. It's just expensive to [bleep] live any sort of comfortable lifestyle. I get where Calvin is coming from, but, I'd still like to see how an 18 year old kid could live off of a $1s worth of food a day and still walk around, go to class, and not drop weight at a very unhealthy rate.
Even in rural Eastern WA college towns you ain't gonna' find a 1bdrm apt for $400/month. Seattle?.....think several times that.

edited to add... that my hunting pards own several rental houses and several multi unit apt buildings so I have a good idea wtf I'm talking about.
It's much more than 600 for a 2 bedroom apartment here...much,much more. But if you have a 2 bedroom apartment for 600 bucks,that's 300 per kid,right?

So, blowhard's comments to Calvin are pure HS,especially since Calvin specifically stated rent would be apportioned amongst all tenants.

In your case,the kids are paying rent obligations of 150 per month,right? Much less than Blowhard's comments "you can't rent a room in 2012 for 3-400 a month". That's pure HS and rents really don't get much higher than they are in the DC metro area,save for Manhattan,L.A. etc.
You can certainly find a room in a rental home,TH or multi-room apartment for 400 bucks or less.

You're right, of course, but I believe Blackheart is thinking along the lines of a single family trying to rent an apartment, or even one person; he doesn't seem the type that would attract, or want, roommates to split the rent/electric/water/phone with. laugh
I KNOW that housing can be had around UNH for less than $400.00 per person. A lot of those areas will also give access to decent, if not great, public transportation due to the college.

I also KNOW that rooms can be had for less than $300 around my AO (rural).

I KNOW plenty of folks who are doing slightly better than surviving on minimum wage jobs. They're not getting rich, but they're doing what they have to in order to better themselves a little at a time without resorting to welfare.

$1.00/day may be possible, but I damn sure wouldn't want to try it without supplementing with vension/garden veggies/raised stock/etc.

Originally Posted by NathanL
Would suck to work at Wal-Mart, would suck worse to get fired for not showing up for work at Wal-Mart.

I dunno, I know more than 2 people that work for them and have done VERY well for themselves....
Who knows what the jerkoff is thinking? I only am responding to what he had written. He didn't say a apartment,he was speaking of a room,i.e. "You ain't gonna rent no goddam room in 2012 for 3-400 a month"
People here are talking about different things. How you could live if you had to and how you want to live. I remember the old timers talking about how in Detroit, I think this was after WWII, but not sure, single workers would hot rack. You got the bed for eight hours and that was it. You had to get up so that the next man could have it. This was boarding house stuff where you got two meals and the eight hour bed. Not how I would want to live, but I could if I had to. miles
ok, you are upset because Chinamart workers will strike on the Friday after Thanksgiving? Sounds good to me. If only they would all strike so I don't have to squire the girlfriend to all the 'sales'
Someplaces you might make it at 1k a month, but not around here,

As far as food for a dollar a day, no way, .. You could survive for a short term, but you can not live on 1 dollar a day.

My teenage boys eat a dollar's worth every hour....
No one at our Walmart is going to walk out. Walmart may have it coming but it's not going to happen. The folks who are working there need the work and the lousy wages and there is little out there to go to. The company knows that and takes big advantage of that. Indentured servants. kwg
Originally Posted by Magnumdood
You're right, of course, but I believe Blackheart is thinking along the lines of a single family trying to rent an apartment, or even one person; he doesn't seem the type that would attract, or want, roommates to split the rent/electric/water/phone with. laugh
Exactly right.
Agree with you completely save for my boys and gals eat 15 bucks of it before it even finds it's way onto the shelves and into the fridge.

For many on the 24H,a 1000 bucks a month is for lunch money.
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Magnumdood
You're right, of course, but I believe Blackheart is thinking along the lines of a single family trying to rent an apartment, or even one person; he doesn't seem the type that would attract, or want, roommates to split the rent/electric/water/phone with. laugh
Exactly right.


No way a husband/wife with a kid(s) could live on a grand around here without government assistance.
ok, you are upset because Chinamart workers will strike on the Friday after Thanksgiving?

I hope that you hit quick reply, because what they do will not bother me at all. I figure they will lose their jobs and I also figure that they did not much want them to begin with. miles
It's possible but not likely. Now let's assume a married couple with 2 children need a place. 4 people in one room is possible, not ideal and very unlikely to be rented to.

I'm not saying that it's impossible for 1 person to live on minimum wage but with the rising cost of everything (including Twinkies) it's VERY difficult. Add in a a couple/few family members and it's dam close to impossible.

edited to add...I agree with RISJR re: family on $1K/month. I posted before seeing his last post.
Originally Posted by Calvin
OH BS. That's a whole nother class of folks. BTW, all those 15-20 of them were working full time at 1k a month, they'd be able to afford one hell of a pad.. (grin)

I realize your comment was probably tongue-in-cheek, but if it wasn't, the illegals send the largest majority of what they make back to Mexico to their families.

Originally Posted by Calvin
That's all Blackheart has though.. and the typical liberal argument. Rather than admit that folks making minimum wage have more money than him, he'll take it to the extreme.

Liberal? Really? Really?

He strikes me as anything but a liberal.
For 2011 the Census Bureau lists the poverty level at 11,484.00. For a couple,with kid(s),I'd think both parents would have to be making at least minimum wage before they could make it around here.

The median income for households in northern Va is a little over 100K. Very rarely do we have stay at home moms in this region. They'd be a exception,not the norm for these parts.

My secretary makes 38K a year,pays 1750 for a 2 bedroom apt,utilities not included.Add in the basic necessities thereafter,gas,groceries,utilities,manicure,pedicure,massage and Netflix and she's living paycheck to paycheck.

I truly can't see how a single mom with one kid(not my secretary)could make it without govt.assistance at minimum wage.
I agree Bob! Rental housing has gone up significantly around here.
manicure,pedicure,massage and Netflix and she's living paycheck to paycheck.

Uh, Bob, you might want to check the necessity list. cry miles
I spoke those very same words,Miles. But,when I speak of my hunting season necessities list,my positions don't enjoy much credibility with her. Deer piss is oddly expensive.
my positions don't enjoy much credibility with her.

I understand, but as one raised in hard times, wants and necessities was explained to me a long time ago. miles
I worked for Walmart once upon a time. They tend to be greedy. Those Walton boys can't get rich enough. I empathize with the workers getting pissed about working Thanksgiving...that just ain't right. Frankly, I suspect Sam Walton wouldn't think it was right, either, but he's dead and there's different peeps running the ship. However, this economy is tough, and people have to feed their famailies and keep the power on, so I'm not sure risking my job would be the wise thing to do. You don't throw away what you have without something to replace it. They oughta hunt around and find a 2nd job while stores are hiring for the Christmas season, then if they get kept on after Christmas tell Walmart to take a flying leap.
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by FOsteology
There's a reason the Chinese and Indians are swooping in and taking all the high paying jobs. American students are by and large too damn lazy and entitled to work hard and get degrees that will ACTUALLY enable them to obtain good jobs.

Our broken educational system tells kids from an early age that you have to go to college to get a good job. However, it doesn't emphasize and stress what you actually have to go to college for! Any old degree simply will not suffice!

So kids graduate in six years with a degree in Psych., English, Physical Ed., underwater basket weaving, etc., and turn around and say, "Hey, where's my good paying job!?"

Not quite. Jobs are being shipped overseas because it means cheap labor and bigger salaries and bonuses and golden parachutes for CEOs.

You mean all the good jobs for liberal arts degrees have been outsourced? No wonder I have to pay the Art History major for the pizza to get him off of my porch.
They fear not, if they get fired for rebelling against the oppressive corporation the current administration will welcome them to their fold (and voting block) with open arms and provide for them at your and my expense.
Originally Posted by DELGUE
I worked for Walmart once upon a time. They tend to be greedy. Those Walton boys can't get rich enough. I empathize with the workers getting pissed about working Thanksgiving...that just ain't right. Frankly, I suspect Sam Walton wouldn't think it was right, either, but he's dead and there's different peeps running the ship. However, this economy is tough, and people have to feed their famailies and keep the power on, so I'm not sure risking my job would be the wise thing to do. You don't throw away what you have without something to replace it. They oughta hunt around and find a 2nd job while stores are hiring for the Christmas season, then if they get kept on after Christmas tell Walmart to take a flying leap.

If you worked for Walmart you would know that the schedules during the holidays would preclude working a second job at another store. All stores will staff heavy for the busy days and would want you working the same days in many cases. You would be forced to decide who you wanted to work for, then.

For the most part a job at Walmart is a second income in the family, and hours change constantly.

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