Originally Posted by Ranch13
Yes there are no shortage of dumbasses that look at the velocity of trailboss and automatically assume it's low pressure. Not a one of those brain trusts have the gumption to look at Hogdons data and see those low pressures are coming at firewall pressures....
Have even seen some internet experts proclaim trailboss to be a very good bp substitute...

There's one less fully functional and very soulful '86 in Arizona today because of Trailboss, and some recent "Light" loads thereof. Once my anger subsides a bit I MAY consider trying to re-barrel the thing, IF the sprung frame can be pushed back into skew. ....'nother "action held, barrel gave it up" incident,.....FINE old original (pre-nickle steel) BP gun.

.....idiots. mad


Member, Clan of the Border Rats
-- “Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”- Mark Twain