Well, OK...I guess. Not terribly concerned about smokeless in this discussion, ffffg being the point....and not trying to be a wise azz here but what is the source of your info on BP "burn" rates vis-a-vis loose and tightly packed. What does the state of compaction have to do with the pressure level info I posted above, where granulation DOES have an effect, all else being equal. I ask for clarification due to this: BP is a low velocity explosive, it's burn rate is relatively stable regardless of environment so far as I know. Loading a BP rifle or shotgun with airspace between bullet and powder is a good way to ring a barrel so far as I know. It's not burn rate that does this, it is the bullet acting as an obstruction...so far as I know.

If I'm wrong about this please make me wiser. What say you?

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain