Sounds like a pretty tense time.

Thank you for your service.

A few years ago we went to a critter show in Las Vegas, with lions and Dolphins. Some mid-aged Dude had a 100# Lab with some crocked up ( my opinion) sheet on it's back and his deal to get the dog near the Cat cages was it was good training for him....all BS. Guide dog my asp! My Australian shepard was better trained than that dog ever will be.

A handler came out and was chatting with said Dude, and the cage had a particular "intrigued cat" was in was maybe 50 yards long. I video taped that cat Eyeballing said dog as he paced along the fence. I swear I thought that Cat was going to get through the cage and tear the dog and hopefully the stupid Dude a new one. Damd Dude and Handler seemed blissfully engaged in some BS while this Cat was locked on the dog.

From my position , besides getting good footage, was that Dam'd dog was driving the Cat insane. Looking back at it, I was pretty amped up on the way that Cat was stalking the Dog, and I was very greatfull the cage was there. I can't imagine the adrenaline one must get from actually being in the bush with such an animal.

I believe I lost all desire to kill a big cat that day, although a mountain lion while deer hunting would still get my trigger finger itching.

Thanks for the stories, other than the Miraciously-alive Cecil.