I have way too many scoped rifles. I also have a bad habit when I buy a new scope in that the purchase may result in several changes on rifles other than the one the purchase was made for. I also have a few extra scopes in a drawer that I get to thinking it needs to be on a particular rifle. I change scopes too often.

I do have two rifles that have worn the same glass for well over twenty years. I think the scope makes a good handle if the mounts are high enough. These two are carried by the scope and I cannot rember how long it has been since the reticles need to be adjusted. I did buy a good supply of ammo that they liked back when.


"Do not blame Caesar, blame the people...who have...rejoiced in their loss of freedom....Blame the people who hail him when he speaks of the 'new, wonderful, good, society'...to mean ,..living fatly at the expense of the industrious." Cicero