Originally Posted by RoninPhx
I guess i had a mistake in having white grandkids.
Oldest is a capt in the air force, horrible childhood for a lot of reasons. He graduated magna cum laude in engineering, no student loans, no debt.

I contrast that against a young female barrista in the paper a few years ago.
She had run up over 100k in student debt, getting a degree in something called transgender identity issues among chinese minorities. Was complaining couldn't find a job other than serving coffee.
I know of another of the unwashed, who aspires to a 15dollar an hour job as a career choice. If they need more money he will just get in college to get some grant money that he will never pay back.
One does make life choices.
I see this all the time. Local facebook page woman writes in her husband left, divorcing her, took her inheritance money. Brother in california with wife and child, lost his
job and only have 250bucks. So they are moving here to her garage. She was wanting donations, heater, beds, refrig, you got it. So another woman writes in says her daughter is about to graduate from college, and needs all that stuff too. Can anybody help?
and i have to write a check to sugar in the next couple of weeks. I am just so happy to help. And when the brother gets here for the state medicade program, food stamps, and whatever else can be thrown his way.

It's not a function of race. mad (The idiot in the video is white.) It's a function of ideology. Marxists come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Karl himself was a white man as was Lenin.

Communists: I still hate them even after they changed their name to "liberals".

My boss asked why I wasn't working. I told him I was being a democrat for Halloween.