I'm looking for excuses to not go out in the frost this morning so will comment.

Stick is the most creative user of English language that I've read on the internet. He drives a .223 and is brilliant in use of double/multiple negatives, though overdoes it and needlessly confuses clarity by cutesy negatives sometimes: he don't never not use a double negative. If he could abide an editor he could easily write for publication.

As to why he is so obnoxious at times, I have no idea and haven't tried to psychoanalyze. He has never treated me that way. He is way too intelligent to not be aware of how he is coming over and sometimes he deliberately pushes it to self destruction. If you ignore his first barb you can have an expert level discussion on the subjects he knows, and he knows a LOT about rifles and cameras. Most of us react to his barbs rather than continue on the topic, and it goes downhill from there.

I've learned useful stuff from him that I use to kill deer and hit targets. I'm going to go use some Stick tips on deer this afternoon. I'd consider him a friend but doubt if he would have me. grin

Am curious as to how Axtel, who registered in May 2015, ever heard of Stick?