Fly to O'Hare on the 24th (redeye). Take 2 hour nap after mom grabs me from the airport. Wake up, order Joe's pizza (can't get REAL pizza in the Pacific northwest).

Then hop around X-Mas parties in the evening and get drunk. Hope mom stays sober- dad and I won't be.

Christmas day: Wake up the whenever the fugg it strikes me. Opening presents once sis#2 and her fiancee get to my parents. Continue drinking and eating. Cook food while sheitfaced. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

Mom, maybe dad and I are staying at the Union League Club in Chicago where the parents have a membership the night before I fly out. More drinking, eating of REAL pizza, Museum of Science and Industry and the Field Museum. Fly back to the other liberal cesspool AKA Seattle.

Originally Posted by Bristoe
It's about like this:

"Do you puff peters?"

"Hell no!"
