Originally Posted by humdinger
Originally Posted by BCJR
Originally Posted by humdinger
Originally Posted by Sitka deer
Originally Posted by VernAK
We are far in excess of a "Viable State Budget"......Alaska's free chit programs are so lucrative that we have people moving from the far corners of the earth to take advantage of it.

But budgets are only part of the problem as I witness much abuse of our wildlife regulations by immigrants.


So you have a lot of welfare programs that attract a lot of low skilled people to do the crap jobs like working fish cannery jobs, etc and then subsidize them... Just like Minnesota.

Then a hardy "welcome to the jungle with the rest of us.. and it sucks to be you"

and as far as abuse about the wildlife resource abuse...
"Welcome to the jungle...

But I am sure you native alaskans... the ones with white skin and not dark(???) can go on a terrorist rampage to discourage all the tv shows and tourism brochures that make life up there look so good.

Good luck and welcome to the taxation jungle.

Why do you care so much about what happens in AK? Why are you so angry/happy about it? Why mention Natives and terrorist in your reply? WTF is wrong with whomever writes your prescriptions? Your dosage is obviously way off.

I look up here in this forum to check out the adventurous life in Alaska and I see you whining state government as a bunch of old cheap farmers that dont want to pay for nothing, but you want your roads plowed and your schools funded with a mix of Federal, state, and local taxes.

I really don't care, but its entertaining to poke you once in a while and come back in a week and still see people whining on the same topic.

The whining is so petty that you're complaining about a federal mandated tax mailing to state employees and how much it cost...

I hope the YOUR government that YOU voted in sends you a Hallmark card to every registered voter and tax payer saying "congrats on your new state income tax".

I'm pretty sure this page from "My Life as a Miserable Bastard" is not something you intended to publish on a public forum. For that you have my sympathies. If it weren't an accident, then you have not only my sympathies, but condolences as well on the loss of your soul and mind.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.