Chu Lia Vietnam 1968-69 I was assigned to operate the base garbage dump, directing where stuff was to be dumped and then covering it over with a dozer. I pretty much sat on the dozer directing traffic and covering garbage all day, secondary duty was to keep civilian scavengers in line and shoot marauding dogs as there was a out break of rabies.

I was assigned a M-16 and it hung off the aircleaner all day until needed and it worked well in the mornings but as dirt sifted into it through the day it became guess work if it would keep firing, sometimes it took a few round(up to seven once) to put down the dogs. I went to the armorer and he gave me a M-14 and ammo can full of rounds. Problem solved both reliability and knock down power on the dog. It was heavy though and I packed a shotgun on patrols.

Last edited by erich; 04/05/16.

After the first shot the rest are just noise.

Make mine a Minaska

Heaven has walls and rules, H-ll has open borders