Originally Posted by justin10mm
You can't legally carry in a bar so this was, once again, a target rich gun free zone. And not all gays are anti gun, ever hear of the Pink Pistols?

I must say that some of the responses on this thread are disgusting. Fifty of our fellow citizens are dead at the hands of a terrorist and all you can say is "well at least they were gay"! Appalling! How do you ever expect them to warm up to a more conservative way of thinking if that is the prevailing attitude towards them?

Very well said.

Any loss of human life is a tragedy which is why it is such an abomination for our gov't to call this anything less that what it is; Islamic Terrorism leveled not merely against citizens of this great Republic but against our foundational principles.

Which, in the case of this guy practicing his religion (of peace) and buying weapons, are the very principles which allow his ilk to kill us so easily.

We need to recognize that freedom carries with it a price and it isn't cheap.