And that map right there IS the reason the electoral college needs to be changed IMHO. No more " winner take all e/c votes " only 2 States allow that currently. Every voting district gets 1 e/c vote . Chips fall where they may . For me , I am sick and tired of people living 10 - 100 stories high stacked upon each other outvoting the rest of the State just because of population numbers.
Newyorkistan for example , out of 62 counties ( I know those are not voting districts , but the best example I have ) out of 62 counties , 15 counties voted for Cliton , the other 47 all trump and yet all e/c votes went to the cliton.


�The public cannot be too curious concerning the characters of public men.� �Samuel Adams

"All men having power ought to be distrusted to a certain degree." --James Madison