Mayors of "Sanctuary cities" are grandstanding.

"You are safe here!" they tell the illegal aliens after Trump announced he will deport illegal immigrants who have committed crimes.

I guess they cannot hear the implicit message: Tax payers and the noncriminals are not worthy of being kept safe from those criminals Trump would deport.

It is, of course, empty posturing. The progressives taught us well. Think about what the Feds did for DUI and seat belts. Failure to march to the Federal agenda resulted in diminished federal highway funds.

Compliance is guaranteed. Simply start with holding grants and block transfers. Freeze all federal loan guarantees. Hold up transfer of student loans. Cease processing HUD paperwork. Relocate federal employees to zip codes that do not pay city taxes. With hold payment for subsidized breakfasts and lunches. Defund SNAP programs.

Cities are energy and money intensive beasts. They will roll over like a female collie.

I am a conservative with a lowercase "c".