Generally agree. Why Trump won- The economy, stupid.

I was listening today to Bob Davis of WSJ and Lisa Pruitt of UC Davis on NPR. They both basically agree on why Trump won the election, and especially why the populace in the “rust belt” voted the way they did.
It wasn’t primarily about groping, email servers, gun rights, the Supreme Court and a host of other issues.

James Caravelle hung a sign at Bill Clinton’s campaign headquarters that said.
1.Change vs more of the same.
2. The economy, stupid.
3. Don’t forget health care.
Clinton won due to dissatisfaction of the recession under George H. Bush.

Obama message was hope and change on the coattails of economic downturn under George W. Bush.

Many people who voted for Obama twice this time around voted for Trump. . It was once again about wanting change, jobs and last but not least- The economy, stupid.

Well, that’s my soap box speech to carry me through the next four years.