Anyone have a chance to use the Garmin Smart Delta e-collars yet? My pup was started with a Garmin Trip-tronics collar by our professional trainer, but I haven't felt a need to use it since. That is until a couple nights ago when Mr. Rabbit came bounding through our yard at night when I had the pup out before bed. 45 minutes later I got my pup back. Glad it wasn't a coyote!

All that to say I'm considering getting an e-collar for command reinforcement at distance when off-leash. The Smart Delta collars look interesting but there aren't a lot of reviews that I can find. Real life experience would be appreciated. Thanks.


"To be glad of life because it gives you a chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars. To be satisfied with your possessions but not content with yourself until you have made the best of them."
-Henry Van Dyke