Originally Posted by Teeder
Originally Posted by battue
Originally Posted by BobinNH

The "experts" would tell you it's impossible to approach a big mature whitetail buck by walking him up, or still hunting . That's just BS.

And two still hunting together and staying about 50yards or so apart can fool more than a few. The experts probably think two would make make too much noise to even have a remote chance.

A little noise can be your friend if you are trying to tag team them.

That's exactly how my son got his bear this year.
We were about 50-60 yards apart, working a steep, laurel choked, side hill. He was above me and shot it at 10 yards!

[img:left][Linked Image][/img]

Had a roast last night and it was delicious!

Great picture.

24HCF in its entirety, is solely responsible for why my children do not have college funds, my mortgage isn't paid-off and why I will never retire early enough to enjoy the remainder of my life.