Mackay Sagebrush

Back in the mid 1980's my father spent a short two weeks in a nursing home before he passed away and I would visit him during my lunch hour and after work. One day after talking to Dad for a while I took a stroll down the hall of that nursing home and noticed that one room with the door open had trophies hanging all over the walls. I came to the open door and looked in to see Elmer Keith sitting in his chair. I knocked on the door frame and he motioned me in and had a chance to have a short talk with him for a while.

He was doing poorly and his conversion would wonder off occasionally or end abruptly and after about 4-5 minutes I could tell that he was tired and I took my leave.

My Dad passed away as mentioned after about 7-9 days there and the last time I walked down the hall to get to my car I noticed that Elmer's room had been cleaned out with an older lady now in it. Glad I had the chance to see and talk to a part of him before he passed.