Originally Posted by Tanner
If you'd like a gear list for a backpack sheep hunt I will gladly post mine or contribute to one, but I wouldn't start buying gear tomorrow either. Talk with some outfitters and ask a lot of questions like Brad said... I bet you will come away feeling 10x more confident in the idea of it.


Please post your list.

As others have said; Go!

Tanner is spot-on with the mind failing before the body. I constantly preach to the football players I coach, "Train your mind and your ass will follow."

Tanner can advise you of some great exercises that will prepare you for climbing. I realize I'm putting him "on the spot", but he's an excellent source of information; use it.

24HCF in its entirety, is solely responsible for why my children do not have college funds, my mortgage isn't paid-off and why I will never retire early enough to enjoy the remainder of my life.