Originally Posted by gophergunner
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Originally Posted by hanco
We have friends that have service dogs. They feed them raw chicken.
That's the staple I feed both my dogs, bones and all. They crunch them up like pretzels. Amazing how cheaply you can buy chicken in bulk.

PS Never, but never, feed a dog cooked chicken bones, or any sort of cooked bones. They splinter sharp and hard, and can do a job on the digestive tract. Raw bones are no problems. Like I said, 40,000,000 years of evolution made their mouths and digestive tracts into raw bone processing machines. Their stomachs are five times as acidic as our own, and turn raw bones into soft rubber.
With all due respect Hawk, I'm calling bull on this. Our beagles ate chicken bones all the time and we never had a problem whatsoever.
In a sense, you are correct. The odds are very small of any problem occurring with cooked bones. Small as the odds are, though, they are astronomical compared to the chance of any problems occurring with raw bones.

PS As a kid in the 1960s, it was common to hand your dog cooked bones after you've eaten most of the meat off. We did it all the time, too, and never had a problem. The little dogs got the pork rib bones, and the big dogs got the lamb leg bones. Few knew that this wasn't a good idea, and rarely did a problem occur (never for us), but vets will tell you that problems do sometimes occur with cooked bone shards piercing something along the digestive tract.

PPS The only bones we didn't give our dogs were cooked chicken and/or turkey bones. On rare occasions, though, one of our dogs would somehow get a hold of such a carcass and consume it entirely, without ill effect. It happened just a few years ago, in fact, and my dog was fine. I don't choose to intentionally take that chance, though