Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by byc
I actually believe her and thnk the reason for the ad was free press/marketing and several hundred+ jobs they need filled. In fact, I'm almost convinced Budweiser did the same. How many times have you heard the name Budweiser in the past few weeks? A TON!!

If the old adage that there's no such thing as bad press then both accomplished their goals!! This very well could be reverse selling.

As for 84 the employment URL is right on the same page as both ads. Also, read up on who her Dad who left her the company.

David, is you a lowyer perchance? Thet rain runnin down ma neck smells lak pizz. wink

HA! No sir! Just an overly paid REDSKIN!!

Is you a Redskin perchance? Redkins ain't got no collared shirts, which wud 'splain yo' pizz consternation!! wink

Proud to be a true Sandlapper!!

Go Nats!!!!