As such, they are not an enemy to Republicans or any other Party in the U.S.

Now I know that's not going to set well with all you Billy Joe Badasses who think Mark Levin and other Reagan worshippers hung the moon, but it happens to be the truth. They have just as much right to vote, speak, or write what they believe in as you do.

I can't think of one policy platform on the Dem side that I personally agree with, but I don't toe the R party line either.

I believe Trump to be a con man who has - temporarily- bought into his own bullschidt, but I think the country just might need exactly that at this point in time.

We need to give Trump a chance... lots of Democrats are doing that... but we don't need to give him a pass. When he comes across as a thin-skinned egomaniac he should not be defended by ANY right thinking man.

Just as Obama pushed many people farther to the right, Trump will alienate many of the folks in the middle, but he will do it with his braggadocio, not so much with his actions.

I backed Cruz in the Primary but I can see now that it was a mistake. I voted a straight Libertarian ticket in the General, knowing Trump would carry Texas without my vote.

It is amazing that his kids seem to have turned out pretty good with such a Narcissitic Son of a Bitch for a father.

All this man-love displayed on the ' fire for Trump looks exactly like all those little pickaninnies " pledging allegiance" to Obama when he was elected.

It falls somewhere between sickening and frightening.

Y'all need to man up and grow your own balls instead of washing Trump's.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place