Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by jaguartx
I never thought of calling any US germans nazis. My best friend was german, wealthy by hard work, an aggie and tight. I called him a dayom aggie german jew sometimes though. grin

God rest yer soul, Robert.

Wow, my last name is pure German, no mistake about it!

I have a large % of German heritage from both parents, mixed with Irish, British, and Cherokee.

I was never aware of any anti-German sentements in this nation, following Hitler's death. Lots of anti Nazi feelings, yes.

Dating back to the sixties, when we used to live for the next episode of 12:00 High or Combat, it was all about Nazis, never about Germans.

The hatred of those "Dirty Japs" was, on the other hand, pervasive and potent in the people I knew and the liturature I read up into the eighties. Judo or Karate techniques used in fighting were often referenced as dirty jap tricks.

As to to subject of the OP,
In 1982 I purchased a beautiful black quarter hose mare and brought her home to the famiky farm. I called her Sheena for her shiny coat. My mother, to this day, still refers to that horse as Jig-a-boo.

"and Cherokee"

Would ya by chance be related to 'Lie-Ah-Watha' or as TRUMP called her...'Pocahontas'??? grin confused

Even birds know not to land downwind!