Plowed the fall mustards under last month. Put three rows of onions down last week. Will over seed the onion beds with lettuce after this cold snap. Got fifty foot bed ready for strawberries which arrive Thursday. Got a 20 foot trench ready for asparagus coming in the same shipment with the berries. Got the Eggplant and peppers seeds started in the pump room under grow lights. Will get the tomato seeds started next week and the cucumbers, squash and watermelons the week after that.
I will not plant the above plant till after April 15, been burned too many times in the past with a late frost to plant any earlier. I am worried now that I am going to lose my peaches and plums tonight. We have been hovering right ove freezing the last 3 nights and tonight it could get below freezing. False spring back in February got the trees blooming too early. Apples have just started to swell so they should make it unless we get a freeze when they bloom.
Good luck to everyone this year hope your gardens are bountiful and pest free.

There is a war on America and America is losing