Boxer, with all do respect, you obviously know your stuff and have some serious trigger time and opportunity to learn the intricate details of your equipment and document it to the degree where you can do some amazing things, REPEATABLY I'm jealous!!!

but in your own words:

Originally Posted by Boxer

Nobody can fhuqk such utterly reliable SIMPLICITY up.


Thats kinda how I feel about drop-dot scopes.
The erector worked enough for me to zero it it in with predictable adjustments, true it probably won't dail me to 1000 yards, but I'm not asking it to.

I got it wherre I wanted it and I put the caps on and left it, and in practice, it does what I need it to do, the difference is I'm not relying on a mechanical fucntion to work (it should work all the time, but it is mechanical, and at some point it WILL fail you). I am not going to take a 700 yard shot at critters, so my dots work for me, they are all "minute of vitals" for my <6lb hunting rifle. True I got "fatter" guns with FFP christmas tree reticles that I can do some cooler schit with at longer ranges, but when putting meat in the freezer, I don't want to be thinking about all that, nor counting and twisting, when something walks out between 2 cedar trees, I wanna hold and drop the hammer before it gets to the next tree... wheter it's 280 or 310 yards really doesn't matter as long as I can get the BB in the BreadBasket.

I know it's not sexy, but it works!!

Just like she said!!!

No doubt your system is more precise, and more usefful over longer ranges, (as is my christmas tree) but drop dots are FASTER in my hands, at my ranges, and those hands unfortunately are the ones I have

Different tools for different jobs. I'm sure the marketing guys at REUPOLD did their homework and found somethign that would sell to the masses, I think this forum is probably the top 2% of hunters as far as attention to equipment and accuracy go, and a certain percentage of members are in the top 2% of this crowd, and have an understanding, and need for things things that no profit desiring entity could rationally build a prodict for...

I've owned US optics scopes where I could sight in and then re-center the erector tube and turn the giant ass ERIC knob to dial, but I sold them because alot of that utility was lost on my type of shooting. I'd rather have the $$$ and lighter weight stuff.