Originally Posted by watch4bear

There are places so quiet, you can hear your hormones.

Not sure about that part, but it is so quiet in plenty of places that you can hear your heart thumping when you open your mouth sometimes.

Was watching for a small gaggle of moose to make their way up a snow-covered, rocky hillside one winter. I had been snowshoeing after them when I stopped to listen while I caught my breath with an open mouth. I thought for sure I heard their hooves clicking on the rocky hillside until I realized what I was hearing was my heart beat telegraphed up my trachea, echoing inside my open mouth. Kinda freaky!

Originally Posted by kaboku68
This might seem like I am crazier than hell but I don't know of any other state where we actually feel that our state is a living creature. ..... Alaska to long term Alaskans is not just a state that we owe allegiance to but a state that we belong to.

Well put, Thomas.

Alaska can be a lot harder than most people would imagine. Then again, there are so many folks in urban Alaska who insist on keeping and imposing the amenities and rules they've known in the lower 48 on themselves and those around them. I know it seems snobbish, but I think there are probably a fair number of people who live up here who have never actually spent any significant time 'in Alaska'.

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.