Originally Posted by 2legit2quit
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Good luck to you and your bride Randy. Living modestly while investing in growth in small business is what makes this country great. I'm in the same boat, drive a 99 Silverado and extra money will build and grow the business. May you both have all the success you desire (and none of the inherent heartaches). 👍

really appreciate those sentiments and I too in turn wish all my campfire compadres success and happiness in their endeavors.

It truly is a wonderful life we've been given to get to try and steer our own ship through the waters. Sometimes folks crash upon the rocks, some find a comfortable lil lee inlet and some sail happily off into the sunset. But we get to steer and it's a helluva privilege. Now I gotta watch out for those dang rocks!

That wuz pure fuggin poetry, pard!

If you take the time it takes, it takes less time.
--Pat Parelli

American by birth; Alaskan by choice.