Originally Posted by rockinbbar

I'm surprised that live trap holds them. wink

I had one like it they could get out of.

Went to a supper heavy duty one, and have caught probably 50-60 or more in it. It's showing the wear and tear though....

Originally Posted by kellory
I've caught several of them here, in city, with the standard duty Havahart traps, like that one.

This trap works, but it's far from robust. This is just the 3rd coon in it and it's already showing signs of wear. I enclosed the back 6" on the pan end with 1/8" paneling and zip ties, otherwise there's nowhere to put the bait where they can't reach in and grab it. You can see the ripped out paneling on the floor. Downside is once caught, they tear everything to [bleep], and I gotta replace the paneling with new zip ties.

When this one gives up the ghost, I'll go with something more heavy duty...