Originally Posted by kragman1
To Krupp,

I need to apologize to you also - I think that I took your post the wrong way, and spoke out without cause.
When I read your post, it seemed to me that you were mocking someone simply for posting a question about a product that you found to be pointless, and I decided to say something about it.
But I think that it can be tough to understand what someone really means on a typed forum like this. Text has no "tone" to it.
Going back to look at your posts, I can see that they could just as easily been good natured.

I'm sorry if I called you out wrongly Krupp.


That's OK I try to force my point to try to sound old and wise and just end up sounding like a wiseass. I just don't want people spending their money on junk. I know it is not my money or my choice and maybe it is a good product but I think it is too fragile and specialized to survive the boonies.


Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.