A good friend has started a B&B in Kodiak that looks like a really cool thing. He has two rooms which sleep two each and over 1,000 square feet downstairs to use jointly. Included is a quality fish and game cleaning station, freezers, and so on. It is in the Bells Flats area just outside town, right near the Russian River (not to be confused with the river by the same name on the Kenai) and other creeks are close for salmon, dolly varden, and rainbow/steelhead fishing.

Cost is $100 per room (2 people) and includes breakfast.

I suspect it will fill quickly because it is not big and that is well below the area average. The amenities designed for fishermen are exceptional, too. He intends to work it for waterfowl hunters also... and he is a duck killing fool!

I will post some photos when I get them.

Kodiak Island Anglers B&B
Ann, May through Sept
(517)861-0423 call or text

John, Oct through April
(907)252-2868 call or text

John Hohl is the owner and a long-time fishing guide. He will be away from the place running float trips in Bristol Bay through the summer.

This post pre-approved by Rick Bin

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.