Originally Posted by Diesel
The communist/lib/democrat/left got a bit ahead of themselves. As witnessed by the "how old are you poll" here at the fire, most of us are in our 50's, 60's and up. I they could of held their ire at losing for another 10 years, most of us would be gone and the next generation would be less inclined to resist.

They were so sure that HRC was going to win that the loss was overwhelming to them. They have now calculated that we are not going to fight, because we are old and don't want to lose what we worked our whole live for.

However,the left may overplay their hand by pushing for impeachment with no crime or proof ( pelosi is warning against it as too soon). That might give enough patriots reason enough to start a sniping resistance. It will only become a shooting war when it becomes crystal clear that all has been lost, which will be too late to save America as the Founders envisioned.

Their are so many subdivisions in our country now that it will be nearly impossible to know who's against who. And, add the threats from outside (NK, Iran, China, Russia) and their influences within and there would be no way to put the genie back in the bottle.

At this point, Trump is the only one with the balls to fight the fight. If he doesn't get it done, it's gonna get real bad.

This is a good post and tragically true, I'm afraid.

We may know the time Ben Carson lied, but does anyone know the time Hillary Clinton told the truth?

Immersing oneself in progressive lieberalism is no different than bathing in the sewage of Hell.