Originally Posted by rost495
Never had an issue with Muzzy, but IMHO you are WAY late in playing this game... and you do have to have bows/xbows tuned right for them to perform...

I would not go anywhere with something that wasn't working 2 weeks before I left....

It's not like she or I are new to archery or crossbows or just bought this bow yesterday.
she's practiced plenty. Never hunted with it, but shot it plenty.
She can shoot nickels at 20 yds with with field points and a very tight group at 30 yds.

I already know that Rage broadheads fly straight in it, but our PH prefers fixed blade.
It is nothing that a trip to my archery shop can't fix.
It's not like we would be practicing every day with the broadheads anyway.

I'm not carrying my compound, I merely tried them on my arrows to see how they'd fly on my arrows. They were worse.