Originally Posted by JamesJr
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Islam is being used as a weapon by Christ's earthly foes. It's not Islam that's bringing Islam into the West.

There are many on this site, as well as in this country who are atheists. They just don't believe in the existence of God, and they don't seem to care that this country, as well as most of "civilized" world, was settled and built by people who were Christians. Our founding fathers founded this country using the Bible and Christian principles as the basis of our laws and Constitution. Like it or not, believe in it or not, but this country has long been identified as a Christian nation, and as such, our culture and our very soul are nothing like Islam.....and I don't think they ever will be.

The Muslims have had thousands of years to come to believe as they do.....just as Christian peoples have done. The battle lines have been drawn, and nothing will ever change. It's "us" against "them", and has been for a very long time. Everything was okay as long as we left them where they were, and didn't try to accept them and try to integrate them into our world......because they are not a fit, and never will be. The liberals who now run most of the "Western" world are not Christian people, and they could care less about the ideological differences between Christianity and Islam. They only see numbers, and the more that vote for them, the better.

One thing and one thing only will ever rid us of Islamic terrorism, and that is to rid ourselves of the root of the problem....them being here. It's simple, no more Muslim immigration, and deport the ones already here. Do that, and the problem goes away. Don't do it, and the problem keeps growing.

Jordan’s King Abdullah Says the War Against ISIS 'Is Our War'
David Stout
Mar 01, 2015

Jordan’s King Abdullah II has intensified his rhetoric in the kingdom's fight against ISIS.
"It is our war. It has been for a long time," King Abdullah told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria during an interview that aired on Sunday.

The King went on to describe the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria's fighters as "outlaws" of Islam and said ISIS had set up an "irresponsible caliphate to try to expand their dominion over Muslims."
ISIS forces captured Royal Jordanian Air Force fighter pilot Moath al-Kasasbeh last December and later burned him alive during a notorious video that they published online. The killing sparked retaliatory attacks from Jordan led by King Abdullah personally.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."