I tell anyone who will listen to buy used bows. You can get a 4-5 year old, top of the line bow for $400 with some accessories and fully loaded for $500.....maybe less. Even if you have to pay your local shop $100 to check it over, change out mods or tune it, you'll still save a lot of cash. Today's bows on 50 lbs will likely shoot faster than your 65 lb bow did 20 years ago. If you're not hunting, go with lightweight arrows and you can scare 300 fps with a 31" draw. And with the right arrow and broadhead combo, I would not hesitate to hunt deer with a 50 lb bow.

I'd look locally on facebook, local hunting forums, craigslist, etc. If you can't find what you want locally, go to Archerytalk.com and shop till your head spins. They have hundreds of used bows for sale there on any given day.....kinda like rifles and scopes on this site. Basically any big name manufacturer today makes a great bow including Elite, PSE, Hoyt, Matthews, Obsession, Bear, and several others. Shoot as many as you can and buy what fits you.