Good afternoon to you sir, I trust the day has been treating you well.

I see that I wasn't reading wabigoon's question closely enough as he did ask about the symbols I "liked" best and not which ones I might have thought were the most recognizable - which is in truth how I responded.

For me personally it pains me a great deal to agree with Jordan on this issue as the performance of our national police force in High River was nothing short of a disgrace. As well I've not been pleased with the Trudeau government's decision to let the RCMP take charge of firearm classifications either. Making thousands of 10/22 magazines which have been in lawful Canadian hands for decades is just the tip of that particular iceberg.

On the membership side we personally know a few RCMP who were unimpressed enough with their management as to advise our daughter to look elsewhere when she was inquiring about a career there. That to me speaks volumes.

When he was assigned the post of Commissioner, I was initially hopeful that Bob Paulson would do a better job of cleaning up some of the decay and perhaps it's a bit better now, but in my view they still need to work on a lot of things, not the least of which is how they are viewed and respected by average Canucks.

That's just one guy's view from the middle of BC and nothing more Jim, but I don't believe I'm alone in holding it.

All the best to you all this summer sir.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"