Originally Posted by centershot
Bob Lee / Earl Lee fan here but somewhere in the 47th Samurai era the books, they have lost their appeal to me. Agreed the early ones are awesome. Point of Impact is possibly the best book of it's type ever.

Yeah, but it was a serendipity when after all those years one reads in "A Time to Hunt", that the realization dawns on BLS, "it's not about you".

47th Samurai was a stretch.

I'm not a long range shooter and have never been in combat, but I very much enjoy shooting and reloading, and to a degree, like gun Gak. At 65 the JFK assassination came at a formative period in my live. I was in 8th grade and even remember that I was in science class when we heard about the POTUS being shot. I also happen to live in Texas, and both John Connolly and LBJ were from Texas. Plus, this book re-introduced the assassin from Point of impact (the name escapes me now). I thought "The Third Bullet was an interesting take. BTW, how many people talk about paper patched bullets these days!

I also got a kick out of Sniper's honor. Did not see the ending coming!

Anywho, when one is driving 6 or 7 hours one way, many times late at night. It sure helps passing the time listening to these on audio.



Last edited by geedubya; 06/12/17.

A Kill Artist. When I draw, I draw blood.