Well now, according to the latest lying Dem/Com, the governor of Va. 93,000,000 a day are killed in "gun violence" within the USA.

According to Google there are 321.4 million people in the USA.
So 321.4 divided by 93 = 3.4559139.
In other words we'll all be dead in the next 3.5 days or less.

OR_______________ Maybe he's a liar like all liberals are, and maybe he's stupid, but clearly not as stupid as those that voted for him.

WW 2 was horrible. The USA lost about 600,000 killed in 3 years and 9 months.
But that is the amount "gun violence" kills in the USA about every 3 days if you do the math, if this treasonous swine were correct.

And there are people out there that are so stupid they believe this walking piece of filth?

Who is the bigger fool?
The 1st fool or the fool who follows him?

Last edited by szihn; 06/14/17.