Originally Posted by benchman
Originally Posted by colodog
Nitwits all around.

Old guy comes across as an angry old man, not the voice of reason.
He makes it easy for the woman to hold onto her opinion without thinking about any other viewpoint. He Lost!

The woman feels safe and right because she feels she has the "Moral high ground".
Sadly, she didn't hear any compelling information from an opposing viewpoint, just a cranky Old Guy. She lost too...

The Euro boyfriend already left his nuts in the woman's purse but he didn't hit the Old guy(assault) good choice. Still a Loser.

What was the point,
Pick a fight?
Show what a hard azz the old guy is ?

He missed an opportunity to make the liberal gal think though...

You really think you will change a liberals mind, by any means? There is no logical thought process.

I think there's a lot of people that are closer to the middle, than there are people on polar opposite ends of the discussion.
If the best we've got is shouting down everyone that disagrees with us, how do we convince the people that are on the fence or are curious about other views?

I've never been convinced of the reasonableness of an opposing view when I'm being yelled at. YMMV

"Camping places fix themselves in your mind as if you had spent long periods of your life in them.
You will remember a curve of your wagon track in the grass of the plain like the features of a friend."
Isak Dinesen