Originally Posted by Valsdad
Originally Posted by 700LH
Originally Posted by stxhunter
why would anyone get upset over that chit.

People are far to sensitive over dumbchit words that really don't matter at all,
Careers are lost , lives are irreparably changed. all for a word. Sad state of affairs the western world has allowed political correctness to take, and no one seems to have the ability to stop it.
It's rampant even here at the fire.


do you believe there is any position that should be held to higher standards than the general public?

Regarding their behavior or their speech?

Had she said what she did in private conversation perhaps there are no issues. Out in public as she did......perhaps she should have known better. Some folks expect better from an educator of our young folks.


was eating out on the pier at mikical mays a couple weeks ago with my help, and a couple was being seated next to us, and the woman told the waitress i don't want to sit next to these mescans . my son was did she say what i i think she said, i told him no. people like that are not wortn the time of day.... lmao and i'm a bigot.

God bless Texas-----------------------
Old 300
I will remain what i am until the day I die- A HUNTER......Sitting Bull
Its not how you pick the booger..
but where you put it !!
Roger V Hunter