Originally Posted by Northman

My ZG-47 are made in 57..so not wartime..., but obviously not polished up to the Oberndorf standards.

Post war ZG47 production involved using late wartime shortcut production tooling.
So you will see ZG47s that display WW2 cost and time saving production methods
The lower std. of surface finish is a seperate matter again.

ZG47s production was a bit of a bastard mix, as some dont show the late wartime production
shortcuts like other ZG47s do.

IIRC, the ZG47 at some point also used surplus war production components.

Originally Posted by Northman

If you look at the M21/M22 produced at the same time, you can see that BRNO obviously had that capability.

If you look at examples of the Brno M22, they will have no integral built guide rib or corresponding slot machined
into the rear bridge. nor any vertical charge slot on the rear bridge hump (but some do) That is because they were
in part put together by Brno with time-cost cutting late war production surplus bolts and receivers.

M22 receiver and bolt is basically the wartime unfinished G33/40 and VZ33
( i.e.: minus the weight reducing cuts, bolt guide rib and rear charge slot)

Like the ZG47, M22 production actions can be a bastard mix of earlier proper orig. design production methods
and the time-cost cutting late war shortcut methods of production.

-Bulletproof and Waterproof don't mean Idiotproof.