Originally Posted by rost495
Great work. Won a few contests in my teens on models. Really liked doing the work. never owned and airbrush either until I started on taxidermy where its a must.

Curious, slots were free? You said you didn't waste your allowance but if gambling ain't a waste, I don't know one. But I"m wiling to learn. LOL.

Played the same 3 machines on a regular basis on saturday and sunday mornings. They were older ones all the same. They had counters on em, i would go in friday and saturday afternoon get the count and hit the next morning when the bowling alley opened up. Spend 20 bucks on the one with the highest count. All the old korean women in their that worked on cp red cloud, no americans. Knew i was on to something, the theory being that drunk players dump their winnings right back in and lose the intial money they put in and the machines pay out as an enticement to keep you playing more till a certain point. I would pocket half of small returns once i got my intial 20 back. And i would walk away on a huge return. The theroy was proved correct cause i would never see those women in their at any other time. The slots on military bases have to have a certain percent of payout. Some times my 20 was gone in minutes and i was done. Sometimes i would be their for a couple of hours or 15 minutes. Walk away with huge, or play half of winnings and compound those. Biggest thing is being able to walk away, drunks have a hard time doing that.