Yeah, probably a very long list - but I don't watch that many movies...

A couple come immediately to mind though. We just watched the latest Star Trek movie "Beyond". My wife is a fan and even she agreed that it was very lame. Nevermind the whole business about Sulu - the timeline inconsistencies were unbearable.

2010 (aka 2010: The Year We Make Contact). For those of you who don't know, this is the movie version of Arthur C Clark's 2010: Odyssey Two - the sequel to 2001, A Space Odyssey. It was hard to put the first book into film with good meaning, but Kubrick made it well enough to be a classic. The producer/director of 2010....not so much. Beyond bland, compared to the book, and the design of the space vehicle for the screen version is just too lame for serious sci-fi.

Lunatic fringe....we all know you're out there.