Originally Posted by AkMtnHntr
Originally Posted by Sasha_and_Abby
The high priced coolers are nothing more than an imaginary status symbol. They keep ice MARGINALLY longer than a cheap IGLOO and weigh four times as much. When ice gets to $15 a bag, I might consider a marginally better cooler. At two bucks a bag, it just does not make sense.
That's great as long as your near the road, when your 20-50 miles from the nearest store it's kinda hard to just run out and buy more ice. Being able to keep ice for up to 10 days in remote settings is a good thing.

Agreed. There's a reason all the western river outfitters and private boaters all use the high end coolers on multi day trips. 10 of us Arkies did 6 days rafting on the San Juan River in SE UT last July. Daily temps into high 90's with lots of sun. All coolers were Yeti, Canyon or Orion. We had a Yeti that we put 6 blocks in at the put in and opened it late on day 4 to replentish the ice in the other coolers. There was maybe 2 inches of water in the bottom. Our stuff stayed COLD the entire 6 days and we still had cold food and drinks for the ride bar to AR.

Some people are educated beyond their intelligence.