Originally Posted by Tuco
Apparently unlike most people, I don't get dewy-eyed when discussing Model 39's and consider .22's to simply be tools. From that perspective, it's hard to beat a Henry in terms of price, function, customer service, and general "bang for the buck" (the pun was intentional).

In my experience, most people who trash Henrys have never shot one and simply badmouth them based on what they read or someone told them.

I've owned both and if all one expects from a .22lr firearm is being able to hit a soda can 50% of the time out at around 50 yards then maybe your opinion would ring true. But in real life I myself find the difference between the two to be night and day. Again I'm not talking about having fun and just plinking, I'm talking about a real workhorse and accurate rifle. My .02 anyway.

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