Kingston, that corn is shorter than it should be. The edges are really short because the fertilizer guys ran a rotary machine and I think the edges didn't the full dose of nitro.

But the entire field is behind simply because we had to flood it to get it sprouted. Had it planted on time but the ground had been pre-worked and there wasn't enough moisture on top to get it all going. Waited around for a couple weeks hoping for a rain while we were flooding alfalfa but the rain never came. Sucked flooding a field with hardly anything growing on it but we had no other choice. Minimal plants growing makes the water run faster and you don't get a nice even spread. And we were worried about a big heat wave coming right after watering. That can create a hard crust on the surface and the corn has trouble breaking through.

In this country the old saying for corn is knee high by the Fourth of July. Most of that corn might have been 6" tall a month ago, most of it is must be 5-6' tall now. Hope we luck out and get a late freeze....

And normally we'd have that hay barley up and baled about 3-4 weeks ago as well. Screwed up year.

Last edited by SamOlson; 08/05/17.