We have the problem half solved. But one got away.

I was not there so it is kind of second hand to me, but the hired man thought it was great Pyrenees dogs. Be funny for them to leave a flock of sheep somewhere and chase cows.

Could have been some other type of dog, but he did say they were white.

I have neighbors to the north of me about 5 miles, and we see their dogs once in a while, but other than that we are pretty dog free out here.

We are probably 7 miles from the rez, but anymore those dogs dont make it too far off before they get shot.

Dad said when he was a kid that there would be 10 or 15 in a pack that would come out of the rez or Harlem.

Those dogs would come through a farmstead and wipe out the chickens and cats. Kill sheep and kill your dogs. Tear up the hogs even.

Dad said they would catch a couple saddle horses and start running them down, killing when they could. Soon all the neighbors would be chasing dogs.

Have not been a problem for years.

New people move into the valley to the north and let their dogs run. A couple dogs get killed for chasing cows or killing lambs and I guess they get the message.

I am MAGA.