Originally Posted by Theo Gallus
Originally Posted by hatari
Trump is right that these players should show respect for the country that has given them so much, however, why on earth poke this political hornets nest? Does draw talk away from healthcare, I guess.

Like bad tweets, it gets him in the News and gives him the attention he craves.

Why the F can't the networks ignore the kneelers and ignore the President and just show the games? Is it because they are trying to fill up 2 hours of pregame shows as cheaply as possible?
It's because they are all part of the plan. They have an agenda. You think it's a coincidence that all the broadcasters think alike? They are either getting paid more or are afraid of losing their already inflated salaries.
Originally Posted by Theo Gallus
Originally Posted by hatari
Trump is right that these players should show respect for the country that has given them so much, however, why on earth poke this political hornets nest? Does draw talk away from healthcare, I guess.

Like bad tweets, it gets him in the News and gives him the attention he craves.

Why the F can't the networks ignore the kneelers and ignore the President and just show the games? Is it because they are trying to fill up 2 hours of pregame shows as cheaply as possible?
Another thing...when the President talks or tweets as the case may be, it is news. When one of these jackass players talks or kneels, it may be a bit more newsworthy than you or me talking, but not much. The MSM gives them the platform because it's part of their agenda. They are all owned, literally. It's only a political hornet's nest because the big boys and their dogs the MSM are making it so. Just like the Confederate monuments, police protests, etc., the average American doesn't think that way. It's all staged and paid for and then the MSM makes out that it's much bigger than it really is. Pretty soon people think that they are in such a minority with their thinking, they get beat down and think it's them and the way they think, not a bought and paid for product to change them.