Originally Posted by deflave

But just so those that don't understand, understand.

The human eye is a camera. It can't focus on more than one thing at a time. And that one thing that should be in focus is the front sight.


Exactly, that is the problem with man made lenses.

Normally that focal point is not a thin plane. It has some depth, but not much. My Doc said that at arms length (handgun sights) my focus was in the front of the far sighted specs of the replacement lenses of my cataract surgery. After surgery there was a dramatic difference in focusing on both near and far. The eye with its natural lens along with the brain can make sense out of the picture your seeing and make adjustments to the lens itself.

After the surgery I could focus on the front sight and a close target with a sharp picture. Not rear and front sights and close target. Even with lots of practice.

It bothers me a lot. Growing old is not fun, but that one thing was big for me.

Gun Shows are almost as comical as boat ramps in the Spring.