Originally Posted by CrackaJack85
Wow --- perfect regurgitation from the Hitler Hannity Show --- I bet you pulled down your swastika panties and panted heavy as you practiced that speech in front of the mirror LOL

You just proved my point, good job! You're incapable of discussing an issue in a rational manner, just like all good Progressives. We have no need or desire for subversives here - no need for enemy agents and useful idiots like you. What do you hope to accomplish here? You're not going to change any minds. You're not going to turn the many good people here towards the Marxists ideology you worship. You know nothing about any of us, but we know quite a bit about you. Many of the forum members here have fought and bled to protect your right to be a complete and utter moron. Many here have family members that paid the ultimate price to protect American Liberty. Have you ever considered treating them with the respect they deserve or are you content to remain the little weasel, the Soros-funded, keyboard warrior that you are, and continue to berate those that disagree with your narrow-minded Marxist dogma? If you hold that sacrifice in such contempt, I suggest you move to Venezuela or N. Korea posthaste and experience your utopia first hand. For you to call Trump, Hannity, members of this forum and conservatives in general Nazi's displays your complete ignorance of history. You have been brain-washed and you're too dense to know it. You lost the election and don't have the mental capacity to handle the overwhelming rejection of your and your party's Marxist dogma. Now go find a safe place and cuddle a puppy. By the way, it was Lenin who coined the phrase "useful idiots," not Hannity, you blithering idiot.

Last edited by High_Noon; 10/12/17.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue