Jim, shooting turkey with a rifle may seem easy but if you try and kill one even at 60 yards, while calling you will have your work cut out for you.. Hitting a turkey with a rifle may not be a problem, but killing one cleanly with minimum meat loss is not that easy.. While calling a love sick gobbler appeals to many, it just isn’t my thing.. I sometimes hunt them in the spring, but I hunt them as I have tremendous hearing loss. I haven’t heard a gobbler for 6 years.. My wife can hear them but not me.. Even when I had good hearing, I found my percent of kills went up markedly when I used a shotgun.. Little branches, movement on the turkeys part no longer matters.. That huge pattern of shot makes up for it.. I feel like the old turkey hunters of past years, I hunt for sport, not meat therefore I use a rifle..

Molon Labe